What is love?

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I wake up in Alexanders arms. I must of got cold during the night. I slowly sit up, my neck aches from the cold hard forest floor.  I look up at the sky, it's around 10, we slept in. I curse under my breath, we can't get behind schedule. I quickly feed and brush Juno. I look over at Alexander he's still sleeping. I'm tempted to wake him, but he looks so peaceful. His black hair is as dark as the midnight sky, and his skin glows in the sun. I'll let him sleep for awhile longer. I grab some extra clothes, and my bow. I find my way to the river. I strip down until I'm completely naked, then I slowly step in the water, and I jump right back out.  It's freezing cold, so I take a step back and I jump in. My head goes under, all I can feel is the cold water, everything goes numb. Water fills my ears, and I break back to the surface. I breath in the fresh air, and the water relatively gets warmer ss I ssay in longer. I get my hair wet, and I swim around for awhile. I go under water one more time, so I can go wake up Alexander. . The first thing I see when I get back to the surface is Alexander standing at the edge of the bank, smiling at me. I panic, he can't see me like this. I sink lower in the water, until just my head is showing.

"How long have you been standing there?" I ask him.

"Just for a minute or two. I was thinking of joining you, but I thought it would be a good idea to ask you first." He replies. I raise my eyebrows at him. I ponder for a moment, should I let him swim? It's just two friends having a good time. Right?

"Alright, as long as you don't peak." I reply.

" I would never!" He exclaims. I turn around so Alexander could get in. I hear a splash, and then I turn around. My breath hitches at the sight of Alexander. His body is like a work of art, sculpted to perfection with his muscular arms and torso. Water droplets cling to his hair, and his blue eyes, match the color of the water.

"It's freezing! You could have warned me before I got in!" He exclaims. I start laughing.

"You insisted that you come in and swim." I reply. Alexander replied by showing a mischievous smirk on his face.

"What are you going to....." I was abruptly cut off by water. Alexander splashed water at my face! I can't belive him! I turn around with an evil smirk. I know what I'm going to do. I swim towards him.

"What are you going to do?" Alexander asks, his voice filled with uncertainty. I wiggle my fingers at him. I'm toying with him, making him think that I'm going to do something. I catch up to him and then I grab his shoulder. I'm breathless.

"Okay, okay. You've caught me." Alexander says, holding his hands in the air.  I lean closer, until I reach his ear.

"I win." I quickly say. I use my height to my advantage and I sweep his feet from right under him. Alexander tries to grab onto something as he goes down. I smile, and then I swim back a little bit so he doesn't try to kill me when he comes back up. I wait for awhile but Alexander doesn't come up. I began to worry. Where is he? I start swimming around frantically, trying to find him. Next thing I know I'm under water. Water starts filling my lungs, what just happened? I swim towards the surface, I gasp for breath. I see Alexander silently laughing. I just got played.

"That is not funny! I thought you were dead!" I yelled. He stops laughing , and his grin disappears from his face, when he sees me look away.

"I'm sorry it was a joke." He tries to say in his defense. He swims closer to me. When he reaches me, he picks up my chin until my eyes meet his. My green eyes stare into blue ones.

"I really am sorry." He says again, his breath tickling my face.

"You're forgiven." I reply.

"Good, I'd never want to hurt you." His words make my stomach tingle. Alexander leans closer, but then stops. What is happening? My heart starts beating fast, little bolts of electricity goes through my body from his touch. Alexander drops his hand, and looks towards the bank.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have tried to kiss you again." He apologizes.

"It's alright. Let's just go get dre...esed." I stammer. My heart drops, and I'm kind of disappointed. I jump back a little, shocked at my own reaction to Alexander trying to kiss me. Am I falling for Alexander? No I can't be. It's not possible, I'm destined to marry a prince. I turn my attention back to Alexander, he swims towards the bank. I turn around so he can get dressed.

"You can turn around now." Alexander yells from the bank.  I reach the bank and I get dressed, while Alexander turns around.

"All done." I say. I go back to the camping sight and I grab Juno, and our gear. When I get back to the bank, I are that Alexander has set a small picnic.

"Is this all for me?" I say in a prissy accent.

"Not just for you, my lady. I thought it would be nice for us to eat by the beautiful riverside." He replies in a noble accent. I sit down, and I grab Alexanders hands so I can recite the lords prayer.

"Amen." Me and him reply in usion. We eat quietly for awhile, but Alexander breaks the silence.

"I really didn't mean to kiss you. I just acted on instinct, and again I'm very sorry." I glace over at him, I catch the way he looks at me while he talks to me. A look that I've never saw before. I act on instinct, I lean in and kiss him. My lips crash against his, and he replies by leaning in even closer, closing any gap there was. I finally break the kiss, and I lean back.

Wow tha...." I cut Alexander off by putting my fingers to his lips.

"Sshhh, you'll run the moment." I lean back again soaking in the sun. Happier than I've ever been, I finally feel free. Alexander moves closer, and starts playing with my hair. I close my eyes soaking everything in. After an hour or so I wake up to Alexander shaking me. I must have fallen asleep.

"It's time to go." Alexander wispers in my ear. I groan, I don't want to get up. Alexander offers his hand and I grab. He pulls me up, and see that he has everything already packed.

"We have to keep moving, I have a bad feeling." He says with worried voice. I frown at his tone. I put my hand on his shoulder.

"What's wrong? Why are you worried?" I ask. Alexander just shake his head.

"Nothing. Lets just go." He replies. I follows his lead, and we with get on Juno. He takes the reins, and I place my hands on his shoulders. And we're off.

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