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This chapter is dedicated to: write_your_voice

"Looking for someone prince Alexander?" I hear my capture ask. My heart drops. Prince? No Alexander is definitely not a prince. I stifle a gasp. He has been lying to me this whole time! How could I have been so naive?

"Let her go. Now! " Alexander yells.

"I have finally found your weakness, this mere pheasant." My capture taunts.

"Your a cowardly man captain! Let her go!" Alexander yells again his voice growing in anger.

"You have been gone, for way too long. Your father is infuriated!"

"I don't care what my father thinks! He may be the king, but that means nothing. He's ignorant, compulsive, and he abuses his power. He is no father of mine!" Alexander sneers.

"Don't ever disrespect the king again! You may be his son, but he is your king. You say another word against your father again or she's dead" My capture threatens.

"Dead? You think you scare me with those threats? Little, do you know that I am a dead man walking!" I yell my voice growing with passion.

"So you can speak. What a lovely voice." He sneers, losing interest in what I have to say.

Time to act now. Being a lady does have its perks, the captan  had no need to search me because I'm a woman. He is ignorant. I jam my elbow into his gut, and he grunts in pain cleh not expecting the attack. I reach into my boot and I grab my knife. I whip it around, right to the captains throat.

"Don't move or your dead." I order. The captains starts laughing.

"You're too late." The captain states. I see a flash in the corner of my eye, and I duck down. The arrow embeds itself in the trunk of the tree behind me. I whirl around and see the archer in the tree. Alexander follows my gaze, and a knife flies out of his hand into the chest of the shooter. The captain then grabs my discarded knife and again holds it to my throat. A dozen more men come out from the surrounding woods, and they start to encircle us. The captain starts to search me, clearly figuring out that I'm not the average woman. He finds all of my weapons, even the one in my secret pocket.

"Clever girl aren't ya. But no one fools me twice.No more tricks up your sleeves." He says tightening his grip on me. I see Alexander start to battle his way put of the men encircling him. While he is distracted, the captain pulls me away toward a horse. I try to fight my way to Alexander, kicking and hitting, but it's useless the captains stature is way bigger than mine. More men start surrounding Alexander, the metallic gleam of swords look like a game of cat and mouse. The ring of steel against steel fill the air, and the smell of metal and blood is everywhere.

"Think you're going somewhere?" The captain sneers pulling me to the horse. He gets me on and ties my hands and legs. I continue fighting but in return I get a blow to my face. My vision blures, and all I can see is Alexander go down, with a dozen men surrounding him with their sharp shiny swords pointed right at his chest. My heart drops and my eyes water. Our eyes meet for a split second: fear, passion, and forgiveness fills his. The gap closes. I stop fighting, all is lost.

"He is  where he belongs pheasant!  And soon you will be too!" The captain says with no remorse. With one final blow to my head, I'm out like a light.

     Dreams can be curious things. They can show you, your deep desires, or they can show you the truth.
   Alexander stands there with his black hair and blue eyes shining in the moonlight. He wears a loose white shirt, and black pants, with no shoes. I glance over and see my reflection in the rivers gleaming water: the dirt, blood, and sweat are forgotten memories. Instead my face is clean, and cut free, my green eyes shine bright in the the darkness. My blonde hair rustles in the wind. A crown of flowers are perched on my head resembling a crown. The white thin dress I wear blows in the wind, and the grass tickles my toes.

"We're shadow in the night, love." Alexander wispers, lifting my chin to meet my eyes.

"You were gone. You were surronded, I wa...." Alexander puts his fingers to my lips.

"Shhh, that's in the past, and we're here now. Live in the moment love." He reaches up and puts a loose curl back into its place.

"How is this possible?" I think out loud.

"Anything is possible, you just have to belive it." Alexander's hand caresses my face. His thumb brushes my lips, and he leans in for a kiss. The kiss is slow and passionate, full of love and care. We stand there kissing in the moonlight, under a sky with a thousand stars.

"Stay with me?" I ask hopefully.

"I'm always there, look in the shadows and there you will find me." He replies softly. His voice is filled with sadness and heartbreak. I realize that I'll never see him again, and a tear escapes the corner of my eye.

"Don't cry my love." Alexander wispers in my ear while wiping off the tear. His form starts wavering, like a ghost coming back from the dead.

"Where are you going?" I ask frantically. My eyes fill with worry, and I grab onto his shirt. He steps away.

"May we meet again my love." Alexander wispers in the wind, then he is gone. The tears escape my eyes and I whisper in the wind, "May we meet again. Forever and always my prince."

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