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Alexander's P.O.V

"Nothing, lets go." I say. I see Selene frown, and my heart aches. I can't burden her, with the fact that I'm falling for her. I can't let her know that they're close. Too close. I can't let her know that if they catch her she's dead. This is my burden to bear alone. I have to protect the only thing I have. I jump on Juno, and Selene follows suit. She puts her hands on my shoulders, and my heart starts aching even more. Get it through your head, you and her are not meant to be. I turn my attention back to reality. I lightly squeeze my legs, urging Juno to go. He starts out slowly at first, and we're at a steady trot. Hopefully I covered up our tracks good enough, hopefully they don't have the hounds. All I can do is hope. After Selene fell asleep back at the cleaning, I erased any remains of people there.
Day turns into night, and we have to stop to camp. I go and collect firewood, while Selene sets up the blankets. While I collect the wood, I also set up a few traps. I'll know instantly when someone or something comes into the campsite. A few sticks, rocks, and leaves here and there. I head back with a mound of firewood in my arms.

"Here let me help you with that." Selene says coming towards me.

"No I can handle it." I try to stop her. But she takes some instead. She's so stubborn. I get a fire started, and Selene roasts some carrots, and other vegetables.

"Why are you so quiet?" She asks me. Because I'm afraid I'm going to lose you.

Instead I say, "I'm just tired." Her eyebrows go down, questioning my answer.

"You keep telling yourself that, but I'll eventually find out what you hiding." She says in an aggravated voice. With that she finishes her dinner, and goes to lie down. I swallow down the lump I hope my throat. It surprises me that she can make me feel like I'm flying, or she can make my heart break bit by bit without ever knowing about it. I finish my food in solitude, and I try to get some sleep. I stare at the stars for hours, thinking about everything and dreaming about nothing, until finally my eyes slowly drift off to sleep. Not an hour later, I wake up to a crack. Someone has triggered my trap. My heart starts beating fast, I'm up in a flash. No. No. They can't have caught up with me that fast. Hopefully they don't have Selene. I go over to where she was sleeping, but she's not there. No! I can't lose her. I start running around looking for her.

"Looking for someone prince Alexander?" I turn around towards the voice. I see the captain of the guard with a knife up to Selenes throat. My stomach drops. I've been caught.

Congratulations to those who have already figured out that Alexander was the prince. To those who didn't, plot twist! I would like to thank all my readers. Also give me your opinion on the story so far.
XOXOX- theoverthinker13

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