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After hours of riding, I finally stumble upon a tavern. I leave Juno with the stable boy, and head inside. It's pretty crowded tonight, someone's playing the piano and most people are stumbling around drunk. I head to the keeper and ask for 1 room, and for some wine. I sit at a stool and keep to myself.

"Have you heard about the ball the Umbra kingdom is throwing for the princes 21st birthday." The person sitting next says to a dark haired girl. I'm intrigued. This could be my next journey.I listen intently for more information.

"I heard its going to be very elaborate, the most noblest people are exposed to be there." The man says.

"When is it again?" The dark haired girl asks.

" In 10 days,at the palace. The ball starts at dusk," the guy replies. I finish my drink, and go upstairs, I lay down in my bed, and my eyes slowly shut.

     I wake up the next day around dawn. I change into a loose tunic, with a cloak over it, I put on riding pants on with riding boots. I put my hair in a loose braid, then I go downstairs, and grab breakfast before I go to the market. The market is slowly becoming crowded, but I can still navigate without bumping into anyone. I find a tent that sells books, and maps. I search for one that shows me the way to Umbra. I pick one out and pay for it. There's two ways to get there, the main road that passes numerous stop checks. The other path goes through the dark forest, where it's rumored to be filled with dangerous people, and fairytale creatures. The main road will take 12 days, while the dark forest only takes 6 days. The dark forest it is, but first I need some protection. I walk around the market until I find the blacksmith shop. I go inside, and I'm completely fascinated by the different weapons all around. Back at the competition, all of us girls we're given basic training in a weapon, and in fighting. One of us were the soon to be queen so they trained all of us, it saves time. I look around the shop, swords in various sizes, throwing knives and stars, slings, and bows. One bow catches my in particular, it's a recurve bow, that has a design of brances around the handle and base. I want it, the only problem is the price.

"Excuse me, do you think I can get this cheaper?" I ask the blacksmith.

"That's one of a kind, it has descended from the kingdom Umbra." The blacksmith replies. That makes the bow even more intriguing.

  "What if I make a deal with you? If I beat you in archery, then I can keep the bow." I say suggestivley.

"And if you lose?" He asks.

"You can have my horse," I reply.

   "Deal," he says.

We shake on it. I pick up the bow, and follow the smith outside to the practice grounds. He takes his stance about 15 feet in front of the target. I take my stance next to him.

"Whoever gets the highest score wins," he tells me. I nod my head. He shoots first. Three arrows hit the bullseye, the other two hit the 8 mark. He turns around and gives me a smirk. Two can play that game, he won't even know what hits him. I notch my arrow, and take aim, breathing in and out I release the string. Right at the bullseye, I do this four more times. I turn around and see his shocked expression.

"Don't underestimate anyone," I tell him.

"A deals a deal," he replies. I start walking back inside with a triumph smile.

"Wait!" He calls. I turn around and face him.

"I'll throw in some free arrows too, just because you surprised me." He says.

"Thank you." I reply. I walk out satisfied. I head and grab some extra food, when I pass a clothing shop. I go inside, to find a dress for the ball, and some extra clothes.

"Can I help you with something?" A tall seamtress asks me.

"No I'm fine." I reply. I scan through the rows of dresses. My eyes lie on a black strapless dress. It has beading at the top, and the bottom is poofy.

"I'll take this one," I tell the seamstress.

"That'll look lovely on you," she replies. I pick out a couple more dresses, and pay for them. I head back to the tavern, and check out. I grab Juno, sattle him, and get on him. My pack attached to his side, my arrows and my bow on my back. I ride out of town, riding towards my next journey. The dark forest.

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