Chapter Eight

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      Bellamy stepped into his family unit. When he shut the door and turned around, a small body collided with his chest. Octavia. She dug her head into his chest and sobbed loudly. Tears begin to wet his shirt as he wrapped his arms tightly around her. He closed his eyes and cried with her. She spoke threw her tears.
      "I thought you were going to get floated, Bell." She let out a very loud sob before looking up at him with watery eyes. "I thought I was never going to see you again."
      She cried louder and Bellamy's heart broke. She had almost lost him because he let his feeling for Clarke get to him. Bellamy hugged her tighter and lifted her off the floor. He cried with her, sobbing heavier. Bellamy learned then, that NOTHING came before his little sister.
      Clarke returned to her family unit. She remained silent the whole walk back with her mother. She couldn't even look at her. She slipped off her shoes and walked towards her room. Her father was sitting in the kitchen. He turned toward the door at her arrival, standing from his seat. He looked toward Clarke, noticing her puffy eyes.
      "We should talk." He said to both the women. Abby nodded but Clarke stared at the floor. All she wanted to do was go to her room and cry. Jake grabbed Abby's hand and they walked toward the living room, Clarke followed reluctantly. Once the family  was seated, Jake spoke up.
      "Clarke, what's going on?" He spoke softly and Clarke shook her head. Jake spoke up again. "Did he hurt you?"
      Clarke rose her head slowly, sending a menacing look toward her father. She locked her eyes with his, refusing to speak. She assumed that the silence in the room had implied something because her dad finally spoke.
      "Oh my God. Clarke, did he rape you?" Her father let a tear slip down his cheek. Clarke stood and began to exit the room when Abby grabbed her wrist.
       "Clarke tell us the truth." Abby spoke, gripping tighter on Clarke's wrist. "That's the only way he can pay for his crimes."
       Clarke ripped her wrist out of Abby's grip and turned to her. "Mr.Blake is a good man. You're both  delusional. He never touched me inappropriately. EVER. I can't believe you two." Clarke scowled and then walked off to her room. As she made her way to her bedroom door, she let the hot tears slip down her cheeks.
      She laid in her bed and sobbed into her pillow. Clarke gripped tightly onto her bed sheet, silently wishing it was Bellamy's hand.
      Bellamy walked into his class room an hour before leasons started. He sat in his desk and pulled out a stack of paper. A little while later he heard a quiet knock at his classroom door. Standing up, Bellamy walked to the door and stopped dead in his tracks. Clarke stood on the other side. He opened the door and took a step back.
       "Ms.Griffin, to what do I owe the pleasure." Bellamy spoke, not completely inviting her in. Clarke stared at him, then to her feet before looking back up.
       "Bellamy, there's no need to be formal. I'm not your student anymore." Clarke said, frowning slightly.
        "You may not be my student, but I still have respect toward you and your mother's wishes." Bellamy spoke, shaking his head. Clarke furrowed her eyebrows.
         "I came here to collect my papers." Clarke said, bluntly. Bellamy nodded before handing the file he had placed on his desk, to Clarke. She nodded before thanking him.
         "Clarke this isn't permanent." Bellamy paused, meeting Clarke's eyes. "There is a good chance you will be returning to my class. Its just right now, your parents need time to trust me again."
         Clarke nodded, smiling slightly. "Thank you, Mr.Blake. For being a great history teacher."
        The two stared at each other longingly. They were afraid to touch.
        "Thank you, Clarke Griffin. For being a great student." Bellamy let a smile creep up on his face. Clarke let a tear fall down her cheek.
        "I'm really going to miss you Otter." Clarke said, wiping the tear under her eye and chuckling at the nickname. Bellamy smiled.
         "Goodbye, Ms.Griffin."
         "Goodbye, Mr.Blake."

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