Chapter Twenty-Two

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          Clarke bit at her nails anxiously. She didn't think it was possible to chew anymore nail off her already stumpy fingers, but somehow she just kept chewing. How was she supposed to act when Bellamy Blake was about to show up at her door. It suddenly hit her as hard as a truck. Bellamy Blake, her freaking teacher, was about to show up at her unit. Just them, alone. No parents. Just an empty unit all to herself for at least a few more weeks. The thought of her and Bellamy alone with no parents home to catch her may have been the best and worst thing. Then again it's not like she and Bellamy were actually together. Not after that day in Med-Bay. God, she missed him so much, she thought to herself. 

       A sharp knock erupted at her door and she could have sworn that her heart actually jumped out of her chest. After a few checks of her appearance in the mirror, she grabbed the handle of the door and pulled it open. She let a bright smile spread across her lips and looked up to see...

      "Wells?" Clarke furrowed her eyebrows and hoped that the disappointment she felt didn't show on her face.

    "Hey, Clarke. I hope you don't mind me coming over. I figured that you were probably getting pretty lonely without your parents home," He trodded into her unit and flopped down on her couch. "You up for a movie?"

     He grabbed the controller and with a press of a button, flicked the T.V on. There all over the screen appeared a movie that Clarke had prepared for her and Bellamy. "Troy?" Wells questioned. "Since when do you like watching Greek mythology movies?"

    "Uh... I have this thing for my history class. It's like this big project, so I figured I would brush up on the topic," Clarke stumbled over her pathetic excuse, hoping Wells wouldn't catch on that she was lying.

   "I thought you were doing Roman mythology in class," Clarke sighed, so much for hoping he wouldn't analyze her excuse.

   "Oh yeah, silly me," Clarke grabbed the controller from Wells' hand and turned off the T.V. "I'm really sorry, Wells, but I'm actually expecting someone."

   "What? Who?" He furrowed his brows in confusion and at that moment the worst thing possible happened. A loud knock sounded at the door. Clarke physically winced and hoped that if she didn't answer the door he would catch on. The possibility of that happening is about as likely as Bellamy reading her mind and going home. Wells looked at her curiously, "Aren't you going to get that?"

   "Oh, that? Probably nothing," she stated as calmly as possible before taking a seat on the couch stiffly. Another knock on the door.

    "Seriously, Clarke. Can you just go get the door?" He stood up as if to get the door himself, but Clarke grabbed his wrist.

    "I'm sure it's just someone knocking on one of the neighbor's doors. Don't worry about," he stared at her as she tried not to show the panic on her face. And if she thought this situation couldn't get any worse than she would be sorely mistaken.

    There was a third knock at the door and then Bellamy Blake's firm voice, "Clarke! Are you home? Clarke!"

    Wells' eyes narrowed on her face before he stomped over the large door.

   "Wells, please just go home. Wells, stop!" Before Clarke could stop him, Wells was swinging open the door. Clarke could have sworn that her heart stopped beating when she saw him standing there.

    He had on a white dress shirt that was undone at the top, enough skin was visible to see his collarbones. His sleeves were rolled up, revealing his thick forearms. Clarke had to gulp at the visuals that appeared in her head. He paired the white button up with a pair of black cargo pants. She looked up to his face and got lost in the constellations that scattered his tan cheeks. His hair was a ruffled mess and all she wanted to do was run her fingers through it. The expression on his face was in pure shock.

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