Chapter Fifteen

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       Bellamy tapped his foot quickly on the metal floor of the classroom. He was growing impatient from the students that lingered. They looked through his class shelf, which had several different kinds of historical time periods. All the way from the stone ages to the late 2000's. He was quite knowelgable in all of the different sections of history but Greek and Roman mythology had always been his favourite.
        Some of them had been talking to him before they moved to the decoration he posted in the walls. Bellamy taught the older kids but every once in a while the younger kids would have a field trip to his class. The kids reminded him of Octavia. He had taken it upon himself to put up some pictures, that way the kids would feel more comfortable in such a big, intimidating classroom. Most of the pictures were of Earth before the war, but every once in a while he scattered in something medieval or even mythological.
       Bellamy glared at the lingering students before meeting eye contact with Clarke. She sat quietly at her desk, reading her book. The Iliad.
        He grinned proudly. Man how he loved that girl. He moved his gaze from Clarke to the group of youth that had now exited his class. They were finally alone. Bellamy made his way to the door of the classroom and shut it gently. Anymore noise on his hangover induced brain and he was sure his head would explode. After shutting the door he walked over to Clarke. After his encounter with Wells he had taken some precautions with the camera in is class. Precautions meaning breaking the camera. Maybe he was feeling a little two emotional. The broken camera would take maintenance about a month to fix, so for now he was safe.
        Clarke had been standing patiently as Bellamy walked over to her. He grabbed her by the waist and kissed her passionately. When they broke apart he pulled her into a deep embrace. Clarke intertwined her hands through his hair. She mumbled into his chest. "What's wrong, Bell?"
       "What do you mean, Princess?" He said sweetly. Clarke giggled at the nickname before remaining serious.
       "I'm serious, Bellamy." She pulled back slightly to look at his face. He looked really tired.
       "You always are." He smiled sweetly at her while wiping a piece of hair back from her face.
        "Why were you drinking last night?" Clarke stared at him, compassionately. He dropped his head but Clarke reached out and pulled up his chin so that his eyes met hers. "You've been acting strange lately. All the recent, spontaneous flirting? That's not like you. You're bold but you're not an idiot."
         Bellamy pulled back and walked toward his desk. He turned his back on her. "I don't want to talk about this Clarke...." He sighed. Clarke clenched her jaw.
        "Bellamy, I'm worried!" His head snapped around at her tone. "I'm worried that one day you'll be drunk out of your mind and you'll do something stupid. I know that I haven't known you for long but I can't lose you..." Clarke's voice dropped out at the end and within seconds Bellamy was there to steady her crumbling form. He held firmly on her arms, eventually wrapping his arms tightly around her mid back. She clenched despretly on to him. He arms wrapped tightly at the back of his neck. Her feet lifted off the floor ever so slightly as she burried her face in his neck, letting her self shed a tear or two.
          "Tell me what's happening, Bell." She mumbled from the crook of his neck. He sighed, still holding her tightly as he began to speak.
          "I feel guilty." He choked out. Clarke pulled back to look at his face. He dipped his head, not strong enough to look her in the eye. "What I did with you...."
          He trailed off, staring at his feet. Clarke felt a pang of sadness twinge in her heart. "What do mean by 'what I did'."
          He spoke again, continuing to look down. "I shouldn't have come to your unit that night, Clarke.... I'm an adult and you're a minor. No matter how many times I tell myself that it's okay, I know it's not. Clarke, what we did- what I did- is considered rape to the Ark."
           Bellamy's eyes begun to sting. Clarke grabbed his face with both hands and lifted it so that he was staring directly at her. "Bellamy, you didn't rape me. This is right. This is the only right thing in my life." She paused, unsure of herself. "I love you, Bellamy. It feels like I've known you my whole life. I feel safe around you. I feel right when I'm near you. It's worth it. All of it. Even if we die tomorrow it's worth it. At least I got to love someone as amazing as you."
         Bellamy gazed at her deeply, letting his tears fall. They shared the same breath of silence for a while, until eventually. "I love you too."
         Clarke smiled softly before pulling him close for a long kiss. After they pulled apart they sat in comfortable silence for a period of time. They stood, leaning their foreheads against one another. Clarke grazed her hand along the side of his face. He sighed deeply.
         "My units empty tonight." She whispered, sharing the same breath. He stared into her crystal blue eyes, the hint of a smile on his lips. He wrapped his hands underneath her butt and lifted her easily into his arms. She wrapped her legs tightly around his hips, squealing slightly. He kissed her once again before she burrowed her head into his tanned neck. She placed a light kiss on the junction between his neck and shoulder. She could have sworn she heard a sigh escape his lips.
          "Is that an invitation, Ms.Griffin?" He lifted an eyebrow. She pulled back to look at his face. Her eyes scanned over his freckles and the scar just above his lip. She looked into his eyes next, noticing just how soft they were around her. Then finally she looked to his hair. His gorgeous, curly hair. Still in his hold, she ran a hair through his brown mop. He smiled at this.
           "I think it is." She spoke firmly but also quietly. He grinned leaning in to meet his lips with hers. Bellamys breath fanned over Clarkes lips for a moment before they meet, sharing a heated kiss.
            That's when they heard a knock on the door, followed by someone's voice. "Mr.Blake! Mr.Blake!"
            Bellamy placed Clarke on the ground and motioned for her to gather her stuff. She did so and also hid behind a couch in the back of the classroom, also another luxury Bellamy had taken upon himself to place in his class. Then again he never thought that it would one day be hiding a student that he had an intimate relationship with.
          He made his way to the door and opened it with a brilliant white smile. There, on the other side of the door, stood none other than Abby Griffin.
          Bellamy nearly chocked. He could see where Clarke got her intensity from.
          "Dr.Griffin," Did he forget to mention that Abby Griffin was not only a council member but the chief of Medical Bay. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"
           "Just a checkup on that hand." Bellamy furrowed his eyebrows. Abby rolled her eyes. "Your dislocated fingers."
           Yup. She definitely had the same attitude as her daughter. Abby had now stepped into the class room and placed a chair in front of his desk.
          "I appreciate the concern, Dr.Griffin, but I can just go to Med Bay for my check ups." He smiled widely at the older Griffin.
           "Apparently not. You weren't responding to any of our emails. For a 22 year old, you act like a God damn child. Now sit down." Bellamy stared at her, arms crossed, legs planted firm on the ground before he finally caved in and made his way over to his desk. He placed his hand on the table and Abby begun to inspect his hand.
           "What are you really doing here, Abby? You could have just sent an apprentice and this injury happened months ago." He gave her a hard glance.
           "Well you never came back for a check up after your injury and I was going through some files today, when I found yours. I figured I'd come by to check up on your hand and make sure the fingers returned to their original position." She looked back down at his hand. "And they always do say. 'Keep your friends close. Keep your enemies closer.'"
            Bellamy grinned at the mother. "So I'm an enemy then?"
           "Well not necessarily. But you were accused of raping my daughter so I do have to keep an eye on you."
            Bellamy felt a punch in his gutt. "So you came to investigate me?" He questioned, hoping is voice didn't sound weary.
            Abby nodded. "Tell me Mr.Blake, whatever were you doing before I arrived?"
            He snorted. "Not that this is any of your business, but I was cleaning up my classroom. I was just about to head home and grade papers."
            Abby nodded. "At home, where you live with your mother?"
            Bellamy nodded firmly.
            "And why is that?" She questioned. "You seem to have a very active night life."
            Bellamy was growing increasingly uncomfortable. "Are you spying on me?"
             Abby snorted. "I'm not a creep, Bellamy. But I do take notice to people who harmful things to their bodies. I am a doctor after all and I'm pretty sure that drinking a significant amount of whiskey every night is not healthy."
             "You have your issues, I have mine." She shook her head.
             "There are groups on the Ark for these iss-" Bellamy cut her off.
             "I don't help Abby. What I do need is to grade papers so I would appreciate it if you would just leave."
             And with that she gathered her things and made her way out of the classroom.







     Sorry for not updating sooner. I'm really bad at getting past writer's block. I've been busy with school and I haven't had any motivation to write. I was thinking about starting a one-shot series soon. That way I won't get bored of the story. I really want to continue this story but I'm going to need time. As always this is not edited so if you find any typos let me know.
            Thanks for reading. XOXO.

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