Chapter Twelve

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Bellamy peeled his eyes open slowly. His head pulsed as his eyes flooded with light. Were any lights an the ark this bright, he pondered. How many drinks had he had last night? 6? 7? He turned on his side, facing the opposite side of the bed. That's when he noticed the second set of heat radiating on his body. He also noticed the sea of blonde hair. Shit.
For a moment he thought he had just stumbled into another random girls bed. He had wished it would have been longer than a moment. Memories of last night came flooding back. He had the sudden urge to throw up. He was going to move when his brown eyes met hers. They were a deep blue, it reminded him of what he thought the ocean may have looked like before the bombs. They were wide and so mesmerizing. He could get lost in them for eons. To bad he would never get eons with her.
Clarke's face lightened and she lifted a hand to rest on his cheek. "Morning." She said in the most quiet, innocent voice.
If only she knew the things she did to him, the things that made him go out of his mind. She doesn't even have to try.
Bellamy smiled, wrapping an arm around her bare waist. He pulled her closer to him and her hand went to the back of his head, playing with his dark curls. He pressed his lips to hers. When they pulled apart Bellamy removed his hand.
"Where are you going?" She said worrisome as he moved away from her slightly.
"I better get going." He said, trying to get away. He knew this was wrong. Clarke grabbed his arm.
"Please stay." Her hold tightened and she despretly wanted him to come back to bed. He didn't seem to move or change his mind, so Clarke spoke again. "Please Bell."
He stared back at her. "Your parents?" He whispered, finding the volume fitting. She shoke her head.
"They won't be home for a while." She said moving her hand from his arm to his cheek. "Please come back to bed."
It was the weekend so he didn't have to worry about work as he slipped back into bed. Bellamy laid flat on his back and Clarke rested her head on his chest.
"Last night was..." Clarke trailed off, lifting her head and staring at him. They laid in comfortable silence for a moment, staring at one another. Eventually, Clarke dropped her head back on his chest. Bellamy used one arm to wrap around her waist and the other held her hand. He kissed her head, shutting his eyes and wishing that this could be forever. Wishing that maybe one day they could actually be together. But that was only a wish, not reality.
Clarke laid in her bed. Bellamy had left minutes ago and she was still replaying the moments in her head.
He had stayed for quite sometime but he had to leave or his mom would get worried. He kissed her forehead and slipped out from under her sheets. Clarke had instantly broke out in goosebumps. She wasn't sure if they were from the sudden change of temperature or if it was just him.
He slipped on his clothes as Clarke peeked at his toned chest. She couldn't help but notice how muscular he was.
He was way to attractive to be running around with her. He was risking his life by being with her when he could be with anyone he wanted to be with.
Clarke had just been on cloud 9 since. She hadn't even bothered to put on clothes. She kept remember his burning hands and deep brown eyes. She kept remembering his suprisingly soft lips and his brown curls.
She couldn't stop thinking about him. The sound of the unit door opening jolted Clarke out of her daydream. Her parents shouldn't be home this early.
Clarke began to panic. Her room was a mess. She hadn't even bothered to put on clothes. Her door burst open. Wells.
Clarke went red. He looked furious. She gripped the sheets tightly. She wanted to say something but she was filled with so much embarrassment that the words wouldn't come out.
"I came here to talk to you about something but it seems I have my answer." He stared at her with crossed arms. "What are you thinking Clarke?"
He walked out of her room before she could respond. Clarke slipped on some underwear and Bellamys sweater. She ran out of her room and stopped Wells just as he was opening the door.
"Wait!" She grabbed his arm tightly. "Wells we haven't talked in so long. Tell me what's going on."
"Only you know the answer to that question," Wells looked at her sadly. "I wish you would just tell me, Clarke."
Bellamy walked down the hall. He was on patrol duty and didn't have much time to gather his thoughts after leaving Clarke's unit. He once again wanted to feel bad for what he did. He wanted to feel bad about continuing a forbidden relationship. He wanted to feel bad for letting things escalate, but he couldn't. He knew that what he felt for the blonde teenager wouldn't be something he could ignore. He knew that he wanted her as much as she wanted him.
As he paced the hall he couldn't help but think about their 'encounter' last night. He thought about how he had never felt that way with anyone before. He knew that last night there was something more then just him and Clarke. He felt it. The dreaded feeling of love.
That's when Bellamy heard the loud, stomping thuds coming from the end of the hall. In seconds someone had grabbed him by the collar and pressed him to the wall. Bellamy whipped his head around to find the seething eyes of Wells Jaha. Bellamy furrowed his eyebrows.
"Let go of me, Cadet." Bellamy said with a steady but low voice. Wells spoke through clenched teeth.
"You have some explaining to do," Wells tightened his hold on Bellamy's collar. "Mr.Blake."
I am so sorry for not updating sooner, I've haven't updated in way to long. I had been busy with school which still is no excuse but I tried. Half way through writing this chapter I got stumped and had no inspiration to continue so I wasn't going to force myself to write. Forcing myself makes my writing worse and having a no good chapter is worse than having none. I promise to update soon. Please comment for any ideas. Sorry that this chapter is short. Im trying to make the story as long as possible but I need your guys suggestions and support. Who else is super happy with season 4 of the 100 so far!!!! Xoxo readers...

Mr.Blake - Bellarke AUWhere stories live. Discover now