Chapter One

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          Clarke ran down the hall, shivering as the Ark's cold air hit her face. She burst through the doors of her new class. She tried to catch her breath before choking out. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry. I completely forgot they added a new class to my schedule....." 

           She trailed off catching the eyes of her new history teacher. He was a lot younger than she imagined him to be, and a lot more handsome. He furrowed his brows before approaching her. His strides were long and graceful. He couldn't have been more than 25, she noted in her brain.

         "Ah," He breathed, "you must be Clarke. I'm Mr. Blake, your history teacher." He spoke deeply and handed her a textbook.  Clarke expected him to walk back to his desk, but he stood his ground before speaking again. "Considering this was a misunderstanding I'll let you off with a warning. Have a seat where ever you'd like." 

         She nodded curtly before rushing to an empty seat beside a dark haired boy. He shifted his hand outward when she sat. 

      "Hi I'm Finn." He said and she nodded, shaking his hand and taking out her notepad. Then she shifted her eyes to the textbook. There weren't many paper books left on the ark, and if there was they were kept in safe holding, certainly not in the hands of teenagers. It felt nice to be trusted, she thought to herself

      "This class blows." Finn breathed, "hey Blondie, how about me and you skip tomorrow." She rolled her eyes at the stupidity of his comment. Clarke realized that Mr.Blake had stopped talking and was now staring at Finn and her. He must have ears like a hawk to have been able to hear Finn taking. She sat in a slight amazement.

      "Care to share with the class Mr.Collins or may I continue, because as far as can tell people in this class, including Ms.Griffin, would actually like to learn," Mr.Blake said, using an octave deeper than when she had originally heard him speak. He could be intense. Finn stuck out his hand.

     "Proceed," said Finn, rolling his eyes and sitting back in his chair.  Mr.Blake turned on his heels and made his way to the projector. Leaving Clarke in awe.


       She typed the book that Mr. Blake said they needed for this year's course and it popped up almost instantly on her notepad. She downloaded it and waited for her teacher's instructions.

       "Alright class, read the first chapter tonight. We're going talk about it tomorrow in class, so please read it unless you want to be behind," Mr.Blake said while he packed up his stuff in what seemed to be a satchel. "Oh, and Ms.Griffin may I speak with you?"

        Her head shot up at the sound of her surname. She threw her surprisingly light bag over her shoulder and nervously walk up to his cluttered desk.

     "You wanted to speak with me," she said, shifting on her feet uncomfortably and standing opposite of him. She noticed his satchel was stuffed with history books, mainly Greek mythology, "Oh, so you actually enjoy history." She prompted, giggling slightly, "I just figured that you are here because you have to be. Not because you want to." 

     He lifts his head up, a smug grin spread across his face, "Yeah, I actually like history. Spent most of my time as a kid reading about it," he paused, biting his lip and placing one hand on the desk, the other on his hip. He leaned into his hand and smirked at her. She felt her cheeks redden at is proximity, "Here's the interesting thing about you Ms. Griffin, how much you wanna bet that you like it too?" She furrowed her brows, attempting to conceal the fact that he was it spot on, "I mean, who runs all the way to HISTORY class when you could just say you forgot and skip it?" He stares her dead straight in the eye. "And who turns down the offer to skip class with a boy? I know, someone who actually enjoys school," his voice slurred at the end, in a teasing, flirty way. No that can't be it, she thought to herself. There's no way he was flirting with her. She gave him a puzzled look before mumbling.

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