Chapter Fourteen

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          As Clarke entered the history classroom, the sound of youth filled her ears. She took a seat at her desk and tried despretly to block out the sound of loud teenagers.
         She heard a voice from beside her as she attempted to read her book.
         "The Iliad. Never took you as a history nerd, Griffin." Clarke turned her head to meet eyes with a small Asian boy. Clarke furrowed her eyebrows.
         "Have we met before?" She asks, marking her page and closing her book.
         "Not officially." He says with a hint of a smile. "Monty Green." He states, holding out his hand. Clarke takes it, shaking it lightly.
         "Clarke Griffin, but you already knew that." She says, cocking an eyebrow. A new voice erupts from behind her.
         "Who doesn't know the girl who was accused of sleeping with her teacher." Clarke sucked in a large breath before turning around to see Monty punching the unknown voice in the shoulder. He had dark hair that was slightly curled and relatively long. He was lengthy and slim.
          "Jasper Jordan, nice to meet you." He said with a smirk. Before Clarke could respond she heard the classroom door close, with a hushed bang. She flinched.
            Mr.Blake made his way to his desk, muttering an apology. He plopped down in his chair before bringing a hand to his temple.
           One of the students spoke up. "Mr.Blake, are you okay?" The girl asked lightly. Bellamy nodded before standing up. He was hit with a wave of nausea. He turned on the projector before explaining their task for the day.
          Jasper leaned forward to whisper to Clarke and Monty. "Is he hungover?" Clarke turned back to look at Jasper, shock ridden on her face. Jasper looked at her before stifling a giggle. "Our super up tight, intimidating teacher total got wasted last night." Clarke nearly snorted at Jaspers comment. 
         She looked back up at Bellamy and couldn't help but notice the way he curls looked messier than usual. In that moment he locked eyes with her, lingering for longer than he should have before focusing his eyes back to the projector. Clarke looked down at her notebook, visably flustered. She scribbled something down on in her page before looking back up at Mr.Blake.
         He was wearing a white dress shirt, something that wasn't common on the ark. It was in good condition, surprisingly. Most clothes on the Ark were torn and worn down. He matched the shirt with some tight, black cargo pants. He could have passed them as a pair of jeans if it weren't for the lack of denim material and the large pockets.
         He looked good but Clarke couldn't help but wish that he had just been wearing some grey sweat pants low on his hips and a bear chest. She wanted nothing more than to slip off her jeans and crawl into her bed wearing nothing but his large sweater.
        The next thing she new, he was telling the class their new assigment. He came around the class dropping a paper on every students desk. When he got to her desk, Clarke graced his fingers with hers as he placed the sheet and his palm flat on the surface. He met her eyes and lingered ever so slightly before moving on.
        He spoke up again in his deep, gravelly voice. "This is an independent assignment, where you will be selecting an important individual from Roman mythology. You will be writing an essay on the person's early life, aswell as how they are important and what they did in their time of importantance."
        Clarke tuned out, focusing on the movement of his lips but not the words coming out of them. Her eyes shifted lower and she focused on his fitting clothing once again. She knew she should be listening but couldn't  help but be distracted by her...
        What was he? She thought silently to herself. Was he her boyfriend? Or was He just with her for the thrill? Did he love her?
       She heard name being called from a distance and then realized Monty was shaking her shoulder. She averted her eyes toward the boy. Her eyes furrowed in confusion.
        "I ask you if you had any ideas." Clarke's confusion deepend. Monty shook his head in frustration.
          "For the project." He said in a voice that meant, 'What else?'. Clarke let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. She laughed and dipped her head. When she turned her head to look at Monty, his features were knitted in confusion.
       "Sorry." She says, shaking away the giggles. "I was thinking about doing Emperor Augustus."
        Monty face palmed and sighed lightly. "Why didn't I think of that." He said, retrieving his head from his hand. Clarke giggled slightly before dipping her head down to look at her paper once again. She wrote emperor Augustus down in the slot on the paper that read 'person of importance'.
          She heard Monty grunt from beside her and she couldn't help but snort out a laugh. Some of her classmates looked at her questioningly but she continued to laugh at her friend who was currently kicking himself for not being creative. She heard a deep voice erupt through the class.
         "When you select your person of importance, please come see me. That way we wont have people doing the same person." Mr.Blake projects to the class, scanning over the class before his eyes land on Clarke. "And please keep it down Mrs.Griffin."
           He speaks deeply and the vibration of his rough voice sends shivers down her spine. His gaze lingers and she stiffens up. They share a heated stare. Clarke thinks about what she would do if they were alone. She would pull him by his white collar and meet his lips with hers. She would run her fingers through his hair as he tugged on his lower lip with his perfect teeth.
          Clarke bit her lip, vigorously. He continued to stare at her and she couldn't help but let her feet carry her to his desk. When she crept up beside his chair she saw the grin he was trying to compress. She broke out in radiant smile.
           "Can I help you Mrs.Griffin?" His words were meant to assure the class that the conversation was strictly a teacher and stuďent interaction, but Clarke couldn't help but get a little hot by his sophistication.
           She cleared her throat. "I have my person of importance." She couldn't keep back the smile. He made her feel electric. He nodded. She breathed deeply before speaking once again. "Emperor Augustus."
            Bellamy's features lightened as a smile spread across his face and his dimples became more evident. "Only the best for the princess." He typed  something on his notepad.
             Clarke's furrowed her eyebrows. "Princess?" She asked questioningly. His smile grew and she felt his hand on her leg. She looked around the class. No one was paying attention to their conversation. They're intimate interaction was being concealed by Bellamy's desk, but still Clarke's pulse quickened.
            She wasn't sure if it was because anyone could come up to his desk and see them or if it was the fact that the heat of his hand burned into her lower thigh.
            Clarke bit her lip and leaned it slightly before whispering. "Does that make you my rebel king."
            He gave her a lustful look. "What makes me a rebel?" He said lowely and sort of seductively.
            Clarke's hand met his on her thigh and she guided upward. "You don't seem to care much about the law."
             Bellamy smirked devilishly. He knew where she was guiding his hand. "Brave princess." She grinned. He pulled his hand away and whispered with his husky voice. "Detention."
              Clarke shot him one last glance before walking toward her desk. She shook her head lightly. Her thoughts raced and she was sure her face was red. When she sat back down, Monty looked at her questioningly. She felt detached from reality as her thoughts became consumed by the man with dark brown curls and spotted freckles.
          You're something else, Mr.Blake.

      Sorry for the inactivity. My graduation is getting pretty close so I'm really trying to get in my final assessments and boost my grades. I'm not sure where this story is going so.....
      Anyways I love all my readers and I hope you enjoy this chapter.
      Btw a notepad is like a tablet.

Mr.Blake - Bellarke AUWhere stories live. Discover now