The Other Life

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Saturday morning, I wake up to the sound of my mom yelling at my younger siblings and the smell of bacon frying.

"Marquis! Get ya ass down from there!"

A couple seconds later.

"Shaylen, don't hit your brother!"

I groan and sigh. Ever since my dad walked out on us three years ago, I've been the man of the house. Kinda. My mom still runs shit, but I'd have to babysit for her when she needs a break.

I get up and walk out into the hallway that's littered with toys. My little brother and sister always doing something. Marquis is 12, Shaylen is 9, and little Reigan is 3. Yeah, my punk ass father walked out on my mom while she was pregnant. That's a story for another time.

Anyway, we ain't rich. We live in the projects of Brooklyn. My dad was the bread maker of the family, so once he left, so did a significant amount of income. My mom took up a job as a secretary at this law firm, but they pay shit money so we still use food stamps.

I brush my teeth, shower, and quickly get dressed for the day ahead. I picked up a little job down at the convenience store around the corner. My boy, Ahmad, hooked me up.

I walk down the hallway and into the noisy living room. Shaylen knows I told her not to blare it. She's laying on the couch in her pajamas arguing with Marquis.

"Shaylen!" I yell,"Marquis!"

They snap their heads and look at me guiltily.

"Turn down the volume or I'll turn off the TV. And stop arguing in mama's ears. Y'all know better." I order.

I turn and leave knowing that they'll listen.

"Hey mama," I say while walking into the kitchen.

My baby sister Reigan is sitting on the floor playing with her favorite doll. I pick her up and tickle her. She giggles, showing all her baby teeth.

"Good morning, baby. You off to work today?" She asks.

"Yeah. Only for four hours though. Evelyn's party is tonight." I remind her.

Hopefully, I won't have to cancel to watch my siblings. She nods.

My mama isn't ugly. She's drop dead gorgeous. She actually looks really young for her age. Well, she is young. At 18, she had me, so that makes her 35. Whenever I go out with her, some people think that we're either siblings or partners.

"You need something while I'm out?" I ask.

"Well, we need more milk cause we out. And buy a bag of Doritos for you siblings."

"Okay. How about you, Rei? What do you want?" I ask my baby sister with her on my hip.

"Candy!" She yells.

"No no, missy," my mom wags her finger,"No candy. You don't need that shit messing up your teeth."

"Mama, don't curse at her." I beg.

"I cursed at you and you turned out fine." She reasons.

"C'mon now ma-"

"Uh, boy. Don't start." She warns.

I stop talking and watch my mom scramble the eggs. My mind wonders to the late night phone call from Eve. She's real fine with her chocolate self, but I never thought of her that way. Well, I can't. She's not even my type. Evelyn is rich as hell and spoiled. I mean, she doesn't seem like a down-to-earth girl.

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