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Me, Vicky, and Roy all sit on the couch in the middle of the living room as my parents decide our fates. It's 1 am as I nervously fidget and chip my nail polish off. Yeah, they caught us and marched us upstairs to the house.

"Give me one reason why I shouldn't cancel your party tomorrow." My dad demands sternly.

"Well, daddy, you and mom already spent so much money already."

"Do you think we'd care?" My mom asks,"Who gave you ladies the idea of smoking weed?!"

I scratch my head and shrug. I catch Damien's eye from the staircase. He's cheesin' like crazy.

"That's not an answer, young lady!" My dad barks.

We all jump at my father's voice. He rarely yells unless he's really pissed. Like now.

"We're sorry!" I begin to cry.

I force the tears to come out and throw my face into my hands. I should really get into acting.

"Evelyn, stop with those fake ass tears. " My mom says seeing right through the bullshit.

I groan and sit up. She's not easy like my daddy.

"Wait here." My dad orders.

He and my mom walk into the kitchen to discuss.

"Holy shit," Vicky curses,"What if your parents cancel your party?"

I glance at Damien who has made his way down the stairs in his black satin pajamas. He's having a ball with this.

"If they do, then fuck it. I won't talk to them for a long time."

"Yeah. We'll see how long that'll last." Damien chuckles.

"Can you go to bed?" I respond.

"Nah. I'm good."

My parents come back out with grim faces.

"Vicky and Royalty, you can stay for the rest of the time, but your parents will be hearing about this. Evelyn, your party is still on."

I breath a sigh of relief.

"Thank you." I say gratefully.

"But, you're grounded for a month. That means no TV, no parties, no shopping for unecessary shit. Straight home after school." My mom says.

"But ma-"

"Don't talk back to your mother." My dad lashes.

This time, tears really do blur my eyes.

"Oh and that MacBook? We're gonna hold on to it." My dad says.

"What?! How am I supposed to do my homework?"

"There's a computer in the play room."

They're talking about the computer that my little brother and sister share. They always fight over it. Now I'm gonna have to fight too.

"Phone calls are limited. Expect to be doing more chores around this house." My mom says.

"Ma. Dad. I literally didn't mean to do this."

Spoiled Rotten {JUSTINE SKYE X KEITH POWERS}Where stories live. Discover now