Still On

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The chimes softly hit against each other as the corner store's door opens late the next evening.

"Hurry the hell up. I got shit to do." A male voice barks.

"Ight. Chill, nigga." A familiar voice responds.

I look up to see Nina walk to the coolers while her man, Jacari, hangs around the chips with his pants sagging below his ass. 😷. I groan inwardly. Apparently, Jacari bailed Nina and her friends out that same night of the party, but they're still getting charged.

Jacari catches my eye and glares at me openly. I stare back, unafraid. I've never been the one to be afraid of anyone or anything.

"The fuck you looking at, nigga?" He spits with a scowl on his caramel face.

I shake my head and look down at my phone. Don't have time for any trouble.

"Baby, what you wanna drink?!" Nina shouts from the back of the store.

"Get me a Sprite."

Nina soon appears in the front with an Arizona and Sprite in hand. Her face has a couple of bruises and bandages from the fight. She looks terrible, while Evelyn managed to still look pretty despite her injuries.

Jacari grabs some snacks and they both walk to the front. Nina avoids my eyes as I ring up their things and Jacari pays. Please, if her man wasn't around, she'd be all up in my grill.

"Take the bag, and meet me outside," Jacari orders.

Nina reaches for the bag and leaves without even peeking up at me. A tiny piece of me feels bad for her, but fuck that.

"Heard yo lil friend took a trip..." Jacari tosses out mildly. I know he's doing this to get me riled up.

"I don't know who you talkin' bout." I monotonely respond.

"That Evelyn chick. Trey Songz's fine ass daughter," he says further emphasizing "fine ass","You know who the fuck I'm talkin' bout."

"What's it to you?"

"Nothing. Just wondering if you hit it yet."

I hold back my anger,"Nigga, get the fuck outta here."

"Watch who you talking to boy!" He shouts at me with hostility while lifting his shirt and showing his gun.

I swallow my pride and chill. This really ain't worth getting shot and maybe even killed. By the grace or I don't even know, two police officers stroll into the store. Jacari quickly arranges himself and nods at me as if we were old friends.

"Catch you around, nigga." He says before stalking out the door.

I chuckle and shake my head. His weakness is the 5.0. I ain't worried about him.

Later On
"Your sister landed?" I text Damien once I get home from work.

"Apparently so. Grandfather picked her up from the airport to take her to the house." He responds 2 minutes later.

I kick off my sneakers and plop on my bed. The apartment is quiet except for the noise of the occasional sirens and people outside yelling from time to time. I don't know why I'm so concerned about ole girl. I barely fucks with her. About time her parents taught her a real lesson.

"Ight nigga. Bout to KO. ✌🏽" I text back.


I plop on the couch in the living room and sigh. It's 11:43pm. Work always tires me out, but I gotta do it to help my moms and save up a little for college.

I've gotten accepted into a couple of schools, and a couple gave me full scholarships. But, the school I wanna go to the most is Morehouse. It's far, but that's where I always dreamt of going. They gave me a full-ride, but my mom isn't really feeling the whole me leaving New York to go to Georgia.

"Cum fuck me zaddy 👅", a blocked number texts me.

I stare at my phone to think of who this could be. Nina probably tryna start trouble.

"Who this?" I question.

The iPhone "..." pop up on the screen as the unknown person types their response.

"Da bitch who wanna fuck. So wassup? 👀"

"Nina, stop playing these pussy ass games with me. Leave me the fuck alone."

The dots reappear on the screen and I sigh and roll my eyes.

"It ain't Nina nigga."

The person send a picture of their bare breasts to me. They're not Nina's but it can still be her anyway. She could've gotten the pic off the internet.

"🙄bye Nina." I answered and set my phone down.

Can't believe I used to actually love her annoying, redundant, no-goals-having ass. I reach over to turn off my lamp when my phone goes off for a FaceTime call:

Nina bold as shit for FaceTiming me. She's probably not with her nigga. Should I pick up though is the real question. I stare at my phone as it rings before hitting the green. I'll cuss her out then go to sleep.

"Nina, I sw-," I begin to go off but stop when I see who's on the screen.

"Hey sexy," Keisha, one of Nina's homegirls, giggles.

She's butt ass naked , laying on her bed.

"Keisha, what the hell are you doing?" I growled.

I'm tired as hell. She pouts and sits up on her bed. Keisha pushes her purple braids out of her face and bites her bottom lip in an attempt to be seductive.

"I just wanna fuck. I always wanted your fine ass, Key." She admits.

Fake ass friend. Not that I care what Nina thinks about who I mess with, but this is just wrong. I ain't that low.

"Keisha, you crazy? Nina will beat yo ass if she found out what you tryna do."

"Fuck Nina and her dumbass boyfriend. She always tryna run shit....But you ain't gonna tell her though," She retorts knowingly.

"I ain't,"

"So come over and get up in this," she urged moving the camera over her body then to her pussy.

Shit, can't even lie. Her body nice, and her pussy look- oh hell no, brain.

"I'm good, Keisha. Good night." I quickly dismiss her and hang up.

I shake my head in semi-disbelief. Nina and Keisha have been close while we all were growing up, but Nina always seemed to boss her around. Naturally, that's how Nina is, always telling someone what to do. When we were together, she really tried to run shit but I had to check her a lot.

I got my messages and said Evelyn a text. She might have service.

"Hey. How are you?"

The texts delivers and is soon enough read. I smile as the familiar dots appear on the screen.

Author's Note

Spoiled Rotten {JUSTINE SKYE X KEITH POWERS}Where stories live. Discover now