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Damien holds the blunt out to me,  but I wave it away.

"Nah, I'm good. I'm not walking into your little sister's party high, my nigga."

He shrugs and passes it to Khalil who doesn't hesitate to take it. We're standing outside the back in the alleyway of Evelyn's party that's already in full blown. I feel like she invited everyone in the school and they moms because it's PACKED.

Khalil coughs as he passes the blunt to Jaden (Smith). I chuckle and kick an empty Sprite can.

"Hurry up so we can go back inside." I say.

"Ay, let us finish our shit first," Khalil says," I don't feel nothing yet."

I'm so impatient. I don't even smoke anymore. I used to when I was with Nina, but that was the old me. The loud music from inside radiates and vibrates out here.

10 minutes Later
Me and my boys roll into the party that's already bumping. I recognize many faces from my high school and even a couple of celebrities. Migos is on stage performing and hyping the crowd up. Even I'm feeling it. Damn.

Some random girl grabs me and begins throwing it back. Shit, I'm at a party and I need to have some fun so I catch it. The song finishes and the girl turns to give me a playful smile before leaving.

I look around the crowded dance floor for Keith. Where is he? My heart sinks even more. I really wanna dance with him. The DJ puts on "At Last" by Etta James and everyone grabs a partner. Vicky and Roy each grab a boy and get close to them. I sigh and sway myself.

Someone taps my shoulder and I perk up. I turn to see that it's my father with his hand out with a smile, asking for a dance. I smile and take his hand. Can't turn down my daddy. I rest my head on my father's chest as we sway back and forth to the song.

The only person on my mind is Keith! My party will be done in an hour and he is no where to be found.

"You okay, baby girl?" My dad asks in my ear.

I look up at him and force a nod while averting my eyes to the crowd. He places his hand on my chin and makes me look at him.

"What's wrong?" He asks seriously.

I'm not telling my dad about Keith. I'd die at just the thought. The song finishes and I'm left to explain myself to my daddy.  "Weak" by SWV comes on. Ugh wtf. More slow dancing?!

Just then, someone taps my father's shoulder. Daddy turns around and Keith's cute face comes to view. Keith makes a gesture toward me as he says something to Dad.

Daddy nods and gives me a look that says "Have fun, but not too much fun." Whatever. I give Keith my hands and he takes them into his.

His hands fit into mine so perfectly. Soft, gentle, but firm as he pulls me in with his hands on my waist.

"Don't start shaking, bitch!" I command myself in my head.

Jayysssuuuss, he smells divine. 😍😭

"Sorry I took so long. I was waiting for the right song," he whispers in my ear.

I shiver and nod,"You came right on time."

I gaze into his beautiful eyes and think about us together. Kissing, holding hands, making love. Oh Lord. Keith always has this serious look on his face, like he's deep in thought or something.

Spoiled Rotten {JUSTINE SKYE X KEITH POWERS}Where stories live. Discover now