The Heart

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After a day at the beach with Olivier, he drops me off at my grandparents home and drives away. No kiss. Just a hug, but I know a kiss is coming real soon. My little horny ass was ready to jump on him. I'm gonna always be prepared and make sure my lips are never chapped around him.

I unlock the front door to see Jerome sprawled on the living room couch with a beer in hand, watching TV. He has no shirt on. I glance at his body and force the weird ass feelings away. He's cute, but a dick.

"Can you close the door?" He asks flatly, not bothering to look up from the television.

I shut the door behind me and kick my sandals off. I need a shower. Making my way up the stairs to the bathroom, I leave Jerome and his TV show. After taking a cool shower and washing my hair, I plop on my bed and turn the WiFi on my phone since I don't get any service except for when I'm in this house.

My phone has blown up with texts and voicemails from friends and family back home.

"Call me ASAP" says my Mom.

"Call me or your mother back, Eve. It's important." My dad says.

A voicemail from them.

"EVE, something happened to Keith! Call me!" Vicky texts me.

I immediately pause and just stare at my phone. I don't bother reading the other messages because I guess what they're already about. Immediately, I call my brother Damien since he and Keith are so close.

He picks up after the first ring.

"Where have you been?! Everybody been fucking calling you and texting you!" He yells at me through the phone.

I shrink back,"Sorry! I was out all day and don't have service unless I'm home. What happened?"

"Keith got beat up real bad and he in the hospital now with a whole bunch of injuries."

My jaw drops,"What? How? Who did this?!"

"Last night. He was walking home from work. All the witnesses ain't saying shit because they scared. I'm so pissed off, Eve. You don't even know."

Who would beat up chill ass Keith? He don't ever cause trouble. Immediately, I know it has to do with Nina, but I don't say that to Damien who's ranting and cussing up a storm. I feel bad for Keith, I really do.

"Are you near him? Can I talk to him?" I ask, disrupting Damien.

"Yeah. Hold on."

A minute passes before I hear some voices and then Keith.

"Hello?" Keith speaks.

"Keith. Hey. How are you? I heard what happened."

"I'm alright. In the hospital for a little to get better. How you been?"

"Alright, but this isn't about me. Keith, you gotta be careful."

He sighs,"This is bigger than you Eve. You wouldn't understand. I gotta go. Nice talking to you."

He hands the phone back to Damien who says to call me parents and then hangs up. I don't mean to make this shit all about me, but here I am again being rejected and pushed to the side by the guy I've liked for so long.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2018 ⏰

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