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"Be good for your grandparents," my mom instructs before giving me one last hug,"And stay out of trouble, missy!"

"Yeah yeah." I grumble.

My dad pulls me in for a tight hug and kisses my forehead.

"I love you, baby girl. Remember we're doing this for your own good." My dad reminds me while patting my cheek.

"Okay daddy," I sigh.

"Alright. Say goodbye to your siblings," my mom says.

I walk over to my siblings who are standing in a line. Lucky bitches get to stay here and live it up while I suffer. I hug each one tightly and hold back the tears.

"Make sure you come back to us like Evelyn." Yasmine says with tears brimming her eyes.

"Just less bratty." Damien sticks in at the end.

I punch his arm playfully and he drags me in for another hug. Even though we argue and fight, Damien and I are super close.

"Last call for flight 775 to Port-au-Prince, Haiti that departs at 6:30 AM." The loudspeaker announces.

My father pushes some extra cash into my hand and my iPhone(thank God) and propels me to the terminal. I turn back to look at my weird family once more and give one last wave goodbye before walking away.

Finally seated in my first class seat on the plane, I lean forward with my face in my hands and let out an ugly cry. I don't care who's watching at this point. I'm being sent to a foreign country all summer for Pete's sake! I already miss my annoying ass brothers and sisters. School. Church. Even my parents who sent me on this stupid trip.

Someone taps my arm lightly.

"You okay?" A male voice with a slight Haitian accent asks.

I wipe my wet face and shake my head "no" while not bothering to look at him. I know I look terrible with my eyes bloodshot and my nose ring. He hands me a tissue and I grab it while mumbling a "Thank you".

"Traveling alone?" He asks.

Huh? I turn and look at him ready to give some famous Evelyn attitude. Oh shit, he's pretty cute. Brown skin, kissable lips(My weakness). His smile is a little crooked but it doesn't take away from his look at all. He has on a white button up shirt, navy blue shorts and Sperry's on.

"What kinda Haitian is this?" I ask in my head.

He clears his throat to get my attention.

"I'm sorry...... What was the question?" I ask embarrassed at my behavior.

He chuckles,"I asked if you were traveling alone, beautiful."

My cheeks are on fire,"I am..."

"Me too. You mind if I sit with you? I don't like seeing people alone when they're upset. Especially beautiful women like you."

I bite my lip and nod. He's either super nice, or just trying to get with me. He takes a seat next to me on the couch thing and relaxes. Oh yall. He smells so damn good. I had to keep my eyes from rolling to the back of my brain.

Spoiled Rotten {JUSTINE SKYE X KEITH POWERS}Where stories live. Discover now