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Keith- Three Days Later
"Man, Nina and her friends really whack for that shit." Omar says while tossing around the basketball he has in his hands.

"That shit is all over the news! Like, how the fuck is Nina gonna fight Trey Songz's fine ass daughter?!" Dante exclaims while lying on my bed, scrolling through his phone.

Evelyn's party situation has blown the fuck up. Videos of the fight are all over social media and pictures of Evelyn, Royalty, and Victoria's bruised faces are all over the internet. I feel terrible, but I haven't been able to get in contact with Evelyn since the party three days ago because her phone was taken away.

Dante and Omar don't know that I fucks with her family so they say whatever. I sit on the bed and lay back to stare at the ceiling.

"Oh shit!" Dante laughs.

The familiar sounds of the party play from his phone. The loud music. The screaming. I look over to see Dante watching the fight, his fist on his mouth as he laughs. Omar rushes over from his seat to watch with him. This shit is really triggering me.

"Daaammmnnn. Didn't know the bitch had hands." Omar chuckles.

That's it.

"Yo. Turn that shit off." I demand trying to keep my cool.

"What you mean? This is good." Dante says," Two hoes fightin".

I scoff in disgust. Whoever takes pleasure in watching people fight, especially when it's our own black women or men fighting one another, disgusts me. And calling females "hoes" aggravates the shit out of me.

"Turn it off, my nigga. Damn!" I yell.

"Ight damn, nigga." Dante sucks his teeth,"What's good with you?"

"Nothing." I say while standing up and walking to my drawer for a t-shirt.

These niggas need to bounce. I give us another ten minutes so we can talk about whatever dudes talk about before kicking them out.

"Ight y'all. Y'all know how my moms gets when people stay over too long."

"Yeah yeah yeah." Omar says while stretching loudly.

"Ight nigga," Dante says warmly as we give each other dap,"See you around."

"Don't be ghosting on us just cause you getting yo education and shit." Omar tells me as we do our handshake.

They finally leave and I hit up Damien.

"What's good, bruh?" I text him.

"Nothing much. Just helping Eve pack. What's up?" He responds.

Pack? Where the hell is she going? It's only March. The school year ain't even over.

"Pack? Where she going?" I ask.

"Folks sending her spoilt ass to Haiti. 💨"

Oh shit. I reread the text a couple of times. Like, I knew Evelyn was a bit of a brat, but I never thought her parents would do that. Damn, they ain't playing no more.

"😨what?! That's wild! When she leaving?"

"Tomorrow morning nigga."

"Can I come over?" I ask.

I need to talk to her frfr. For some reason, I wanna see how she's coping with this. I mean, I'm partly the reason why she's going through all this shit.

Spoiled Rotten {JUSTINE SKYE X KEITH POWERS}Where stories live. Discover now