Loneliness isn't a happy feeling

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       It has been a year since my father passed away and I am finally starting academy school today (ninja school). It is finally time for me to leave "bye big brother I am going to school now", I yell as I heard out the door.

"OK have a good day", he yells back. I run into the academy and to my classroom. "good morning sensei", I say.

"hello", he says "what's your name".

"I'm Nichiro from the kagashima clan", I say.

"well hello nichiro nice to meet you", he says.

"nice to meet you to sensei",I tell him.

"how about you take a seat and we will start class",he says.

I pay attention very closely so that I can be a good  ninja we go over hand signs then when twelve comes it is time for lunch so I go out into the field outside our classroom and eat. Nobody said anything to me I just sat there alone eating lunch. when lunch is over we continue to go over hand signs then get soon enough it is time to go home.

I rush home because I have to make dinner and I really need to start it because what I am cooking takes a while to cook. Big Brother has left on another mission so I am all alone eating again. Its sad to be alone like this all the time but I have gotten use to it in the past year. I eat then go to sleep I am going to sleep early but I have to wake up to make my lunch early.


I wake up get dress make my lunch and eat breakfast brush my hair brush my teeth and I am ready to go. I have been doing this for the past week and it is finally the day I have no school. My brother is getting ready to leave for another mission and is having his friend tono come and watch me. It is 5:35 pm when he leaves.

Tono goes to the living room and lays down to take a nap. It seems he is tired. The house is clean and there is plenty to eat so I don't have anything to do so I decide to go upstairs and read one of my books. Five minutes pass by and I have finished the book I am reading when I see a shadow figure zoom past my door.

"what was that is that you Tono", I ask. No answer. I stand and walk toward the living room.

"Tono", I say " are you there".

No answer. I walk into the living room and Tono is longer there sleeping on the couch. "Tono",I say once again

"where did you g-". I am now on the ground with my mouth covered by some stranger. He is holding me down. I can't get up. so I bite his hand.

"Oww", He screams.

"Tono help m-", I start to scream but stop because it would just be a waist of breath. There standing in the doorway is Tono just watching me and smiling. a smile that I have never seen appear on Toni's face before. That is because this smile was evil and mean. I see light outside orange and red and yellow light. Something's going on outside something bad is happening there shouldn't be light outside it is night time.

I kick the stranger on me in the nuts and pushed him off me then kicked Tono in the nuts and ran outside. if there is anything my brother ever taught me is that if you kick a man in his nuts he falls like a rock. I see what those lights were they were fire. There is fire everywhere and people stuck in there houses. I hear Tono get up so I run through the area that our clan lives in and he runs after me. I have to get away I have to try and get out of this area but I am not fast enough.

I mean I am only six how can I outrun somebody who's legs are longer than mine. As I run I hear screaming different types girl screams boy screams woman screams and men screams I here them all. i scream for help.

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