Chunin exam part 3

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"If you want to step out then step out now because you will not be able to during the preliminaries or when the time comes for you to fight", The hokage says. Kabuto backs out and raises hand. He's backing out? Why is this not his 36th time trying out for the exams? So why is he backing out?

       "Is he the only one", The hokage asks. Nobody else raises their hands or says anything.

"OK now we can start", Lord hokage says "The first match is". We all look at the board to see what it says for the first match.

"Sasuke Uchiha V.S. Yoroi Akado", Lord hokage says. They go out there while the rest of us go up the stairs into the sidelines. They shake hands then start they just fist fight using nothing else. Yoroi gets in a couple of shots but Sasuke gets in most of them. Then Sasuke kicks him into the air. 

"Lion mirage", He says as he kicks Yoroi from multiple places before finally back kicking him to the ground with him unable to move.

"Sauske Uchiha is the winner of this round", The refferee says. They allow Sasuke to go off with Kakashi sensei somewhere before the start the next round.

"Next we have", The refferee starts " Shino Aburame V.S. Zaku Abumi". They walk onto the field and the match starts and is over very quickly as shino gets these insects to come out his body and hurt his opponent to the point where he gives up. That match was over quick? Where did all those bugs come from?

            One after another match after match. Kankuro V.S Misumi Tsurugu. Sakura V.S Ino Yamanaka. Temari V.S TenTen. Shikamaru Nara V.S Tsuchi Kin. Until finally it was my turn to fight against someone named Kouichi Omagami. Never heard of that name before. I go down to where we are suppose to fight and when I get down there I notice something on his left shoulder.

"That's the mark of the Kagashima clan", I gasp.

"Oh so you remember this mark after all those years", He starts "Nichiro Kagashima". I have a flashback and remember his name and face.

"Kouichi Omagami of the clan you were the second strongest branch family my father put into the clan", I say. Instantly my face goes dark.

Naruto's P.O.V

             At this time Sakura has finally woken up after she and Ino passed out.

"What but I thought Nichiro's entire clan was dead", She said.

"Yes they are but the ones who killed the rest of the clan including her brother who was soon to be the head are still alive", Kakashi sensei says "And that is the Omagami s".

Nichiro's P.O.V

          "Why are you here", I say "How could you show your face to me after what your family did".

"Why, simply because I don't care", He starts "Someone who was simply stupid and was a head of our family who vowed our family's lives to your family's forever and we didn't like that so we decided to kill you and your brother by hiring some wandering shinobi to kill you and your brother but then we decided to kill everyone and leave you alive to suffer".

"Why me what did I have I ever done to your family", I yell through clenched teeth.

"What did you ever do to my family", He repeated my question as if I already knew the answer "You were born".

"What", I say.

"We were fine with the clan until you were born", He says. Just seeing him here and hearing all of this puts me in a mood I have never felt before. Scared, shocked, sad, unable to move all rolled into one. It brings back all the memories I have of that say when my clan died. Thinking of all this has got me locked in my head as he kicks really hard making me fly to the wall and banging my back against it.

          He comes towards me and I try to move my body but it just won't react. Why can't I move? He continuously comes after me throwing punches and kicks one after another. I take the hits still in a state of shock from all those memories coming back at once.

          I had all those memories locked up in a safe in the back of my mind.

"We hated you", He says. He kicks me again as I was in the air to the ground hurting me. I have cits and bruises all over my body. Kouichi then kicks me over to the wall.

"We wanted you dead but then we thought naw that would be to easy so we decided to kill everyone important around you as this happened we fled", He says "We had decided to use something special for your brother". After he said this I froze I didn't breath I didn't move I didn't speak.

"That dumb, stupid, slow, weak, worthless brother of yours we knew was your favorite person in the world died in a way that we knew would seriously hurt you died as a pool of blood in your arms", He says. I hear a click in my body and soon I am able to move.

"You killed everyone", I half whisper as I get up "You took my big brother away from me the only person who has ever truly cared about me for me". I start to walk over to him. My body is engulfed in flames while the rest of the elements swirl around me lifting the building off the ground. I lift out my arm and open up my hand as a sword forms in my hand then I grasp it. I hate him. I hate his family. I disappear and reappear more than several times and leave cut marks that form a weird looking symbol on Kouichi's torso. Then disappear again.

"You killed my brother and for that you will never be forgiven or forgotten about", I start "I hate you and your family actually I hate your family's entire existence". This is what I say as I finally turn my sword around and hit it hard to the center of the symbol on Kouichi's stomach. He winces out in pain before spitting out a very large amount of blood and passing out. This is not even a half of what happens when I am really pissed off. Everyone looked at me with shock written all over their faces.

"How was she able to do that", I hear Hinata's sensei whisper "Only the head family of her clan were able to do that and past her age so how". She looks at Kakashi sensei believing he has the answer but he just shrugs and smiles through his mask.

"Nichiro that was awesome", I hear Naruto yell.

"Thanks", I reply.

"Um Nichiro can you do me a favor", Lord hokage asks.

"Sure Lord hokage anything", I say.

"Can you please put the building down and calm down", He says. I realize that my body is still engulfed with flames and the elements are still reacting to my feelings so I put everything down.

"Sorry", I say. I go up the stairs to the sidelines again and fall asleep from being beat up so much before actually deciding to fight back from anger.

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