Arrival at the land of waves, A boy's greif

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     We continue to head to the land of waves thinking that Zabuza is dead but I have a really bad feeling that he is still alive and with Haku. We continue to travel a little and then we finally arrive at the land of waves. I go with Naruto and Kakashi also Sakura into the old mans house. We all walk into the kitchen and I see someone doing the dishes at the sink. 

"This is my daughter kanako", Tazuna says.

"Hello", we all say to kanako in sinc. 

"Well we are all going out to train", Kakashi sensei says them. Naruto, Sakura, Sauske, and I all walk outside to where there are trees to train.

"Ok right now you all are going to learn how to control your chakara", Kakashi sensei starts " I want all of you to try and run up the tree all the way to the top to do this you must control all your chakra and focusing some of it on your feet". Naruto tries to run up the tree first and manages to get no where. I'm guessing that he forgot the put some chakra in your feet part. Next Sauske tries he runs up the tree but falls back damaging the tree.

"Don't put in too much chakra when you run up the tree or you will damage it", Kakashi  sensei says. Then Sakura and I try at the same time and we are succesful on our first time. Then we jump back down.

"Good job Sakura Nichiro", Kakashi sensei says" I guess your training is done for today". Sakura starts to walk away when naruto grabs her and ask her to help him. I look at sauske thinking that maybe he might ask as well but he doesn't.

"You know Sauske you don't have to be so independent all the time if you want a little help-", I start before he cuts me off saying

"I don't need your help". I walk away fine you don't want my help I don't have to give it. I thought  as I walked into the house. 

"Do you want any help", I ask Kanako.

"No I'm Fine", she answers me as sakura walks into the house.

"No it is ok", she answers. I walk over to the table and sit down as Sakura walks.


          Everyone sits down to have dinner and a little boy comes in to have dinner as well. Naruto and Sauske are having a competition  on who can finish eating there food first.

"Finish", Naruto and Sauske in sinc. Holding there bowls out asking for more. The little boy who I found out name is Inari is barely eating his food while talking to himself.

"Why are they here?", Inari asks his grandfather " Who are they any way?".

"There to help us get those men out our village their ninja from the hidden leaf village Naruto, Sauske,Nichiro, Sakura, and Sauske", Tazuna says.

"They don't look like real ninja to me", Inari says " Four of them are just kids".

"Hey listen kid I may be a kid like you but I am still a ninja I worked really hard to get this head band", Naruto yells while jacking up Inari.

"So, that doesn't mean your strong you seem weak you won't be able to get these men out of our village if even my father couldn't", Inari screamed.

"Why you", Naruto says.

"Naruto put him down", I tell him. Naruto hesitates but puts Inari down. Inari runs out of the room.

"None of you fake ninja will take them down you are just gonna make it worse", He yells.

" Please don't take it personally he's been like that ever since his father died his father was very important to him even thought he wasn't his real father", Kanako says.

Naruto's P.O.V

          I finish eating and decide to look around the house I go through the door that little twerp went through leading me into a hallway. I hear someone sniffling and crying so I follow the noise only to find my self in a room with that little jerk I was arguing with earlier. Crying.

"Why are you crying", I ask him.

"I-I'm not....even if I was it's none of your buisness", he tells me rudely.

"I was only trying to know so I could of probably helped you, you don't have to be rude", I say. I see him holding a framed photograph with tears dripped onto it.

"Are you ok", I ask him.

"I'm fine", he replies " Just leave". I turn around to leave and head out the door to the room that Sauske, Kakashi sensei, and I are sharing and go to bed.


         It's morning time so we go down and eat breakfast then it is out side for Sauske and I to practice walking up the tree. I try and try but I just can't seem to do it even when I tried Sakura's advice. Sauske's not getting it either. Soon it is lunch time and we eat fish, rice, and vegetables. Then it is back to training we train all day till night time. After dinner I head out to the dock and find Inari crying about his dad again.

"Are you ok", I ask him.

"I'm just sad about my dad I feel half alone without him I really miss him", He cries then looks away "You wouldn't understand". I look up at the stars as I say my next words.

"Oh but I do I know what it feels like to be alone I've been alone all my life ever since my parents died when I was a baby. I cried all the time  even more because I was really alone all the people around me didn't want to be around me everyone always stayed away", I say " So really if anybody understands how you feel it's me. Even though when I went to ninja school I made a promise to myself that I would never cry again that I would never shed a tear and I have kept that promise to myself to this day". He stares at me in awe. I May have changed his life today.

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