Chunin exam Finals part 1

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Nichiro's P.O.V

       I wake up late and rush over to where the finals are being held in the huge Colosseum that we have in the village. I head over there only to see that Naruto is in the middle of a battle with Neji.

I guess Naruto got his wish. I head up to where we are suppose to wait for our turn to battle. Once I get up there I see Naruto on the ground in a tiny hole. He is curled up almost into a tiny ball. Neji heads towards him smiling like victory was his but you can tell it wasn't. That's not Naruto in that hole that's one of his clones. Naruto doesn't give up so easily.

    I smile down there as I realize that I'm right. Naruto pops out of the ground and punches Neji chin sending him flying upwards and to the ground. Naruto has red chakra surrounding him as he does the Uzumaki mirage ending the battle. He then has the chakra surrounding him leave for he has realized he won and everyone is cheering for him.

      It is now my turn to battle so I head down to the field. When I get down there the person who is suppose to fight me forfeits. I have a pretty bad feeling it is not cause he is afraid of me. I head back up to the stands where we waited for our battle really pissed off. I trained this whole time for today only to not fight at all that ruined the fun and halfway waisted my training.

       I enter the area we are in with a very bad Ora. That boy sure is lucky there is no fire surrounding my body. I sit and wait for the next battle to start. It seems the next battle is Garaa and Sasuke. We wait a very long time in silence for Sasuke. If he doesn't get here soon he will be disqualified and Garaa will win by default.

We sit in silence when I see a cloud of dust then as it goes away standing there in the dust absence was Sasuke and Kakashi sensei. Oh now they wanna show up after 3 months. They have been gone to long. I get even more pissed when I see them.

I jump down to where they are. If I didn't have fire surrounding me before. I do now.

"Sasuke!!!", I half yell half whisper. I run up to him and jack him up very angrily.

"Do you know how worried we have been well me and Sakura Naruto has been to worried training to worry about you I believe but we have been worried sick about you one day your in the hospital like always and then the next your gone who does that I mean come on now are you serious Sasuke really you could have left a note or something but no you think you are to cool for those don't you you crazy buttfaced insensitive jerk!!!", At this point I am screaming in his face.

"I'm sorry", He says while removing my hand from jacking him up.

"Yeah well a sorry isn't gonna cut it we have been to worried about you an-", I stop myself as I look over Sasuke's shoulder at Kakashi sensei trying to leave unnoticed.

"Kakashi sensei", I say with a grin on my face that turns into a death glare at him. He looks at me as if he almost got away.

"Oh no your not getting away with this either you made me worry and both of you will suffer the consequences of theses actions", I say now giving both a death glare that could kill.

I grab Kakashi sensei by the ear and then we both head back to the stands together. I mean the one with other people not the one with candidates. I sit near Kakashi sensei and wait for the battle to start.

It starts and Sasuke repeatedly tries to hit Garaa his sand does his best to protect him but Sasuke gets a few hits in here and there. As this goes on Garaa decides to make a cave of sand around himself seeing that he is pretty pissed off that he got hit so many times.

After Garaa does this Sasuke is unable to get any hits in. If he keeps trying I am afraid he might break his hands. Seeing that Sasuke has also realized this he stops and holds his left arm while he has it down with his hand in a certain position facing the ground.

A flash of blue light starts to conjure in his hand. Is that lightning? No way. Did Kakashi sensei teach Sasuke the chidori? I look up at Kakashi sensei as he watches the battle. So that's why they were gone so long without telling anyone. He was teaching Sasuke the chidori and he didn't want anybody to know.

Sasuke heads towards Garaa with his chidori trying to break the shield that is all around him in a little half sphere. He hits the sphere with the chidori finally causing it to crack after repeatedly failing.

What comes out of the shield is something I nor nobody else expected to see. Garaa was not a monster that is not the word he was looking half demon or animal and half human.

What the! This can't be is Garaa an Guinchiruki? How? What demon is inside him? I look over at the rest of his squad who don't seem surprised but angry and uneasy. Why are they uneasy? What's happening? Then it hit me a smell I have never smelled before. It is mixed with the smell of the shinobi from the village hidden in the sand.

"Kakashi sensei", I say to him in a panic.

"Yes Nichiro", He says still wide eyed at Garaa.

"Something is wrong something's happening", I say to him. He turns his head to mine finally taking his eyes off of Garaa.

"What do you mean what's happening Nichiro", He asks not in a panic on the outside but maybe on the inside.

"I smell unknown scents mixed in with a scent that smell like some of the people from the village hidden in the sand. You see sensei the people from that village because there is so much sand smell mostly like sand but then have there own unique scent within I smell people who smell like that mixed in with a bunch of unknown scents and the smell is getting stronger", I explained.

"Is that so well then Nichiro go warn Iruka to get all the kids into a safe area the rest of us will deal with everything here", He tells me.

"Right", I say to him before saying "Good luck sensei".

"thank you", He says back.

Authors Note: I am very proud if myself for coming this far and I would like to thank the people who take time out of their day to actually read this book so thank you for that. This story is getting better huh. Also I would like to say plz leave comments about what u think. Thank u

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