You just don't do that to family

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        Nichiro's P.O.V

  I wake up and find that I slept through one and a half matches and that they were in the middle of one now. Between Hinata and Neji both of the Hyuuga clan and it seems Neji is going for another hit but before he can I jump in between him and Hinata as three of our sensei grab his hand to stop him. I give him a death glare as I say my next words.

"I am not going to allow you to put another single finger on Hinata and if you know what's good for you Neji Hyuuga you won't". I realise that Rock Lee and Naruto also jumped down with me. He stands back as the sensei let him go.

"What were you trying to do kill her!", Naruto yells through his rage.

"If she did die then that would have been her destiny for you cannot stray from the path of destiny", Neji says.

"That does not mean that you can try and kill a team mate let alone a family member", Rock Lee says.

"Why she doesn't matter for what her part of the family did it is there destiny to get paid back in full", He says.

"Neji what ever her father or cousins or any of them did I have a pretty good idea that has nothing to do with Hinata yet you try and kill her anyways a family member really Neji", I yell at him still pissed "I don't even have any type of family any more and your going around trying to kill yours".

"It is her desti-", Neji starts.

"Enough of that crap I'm gonna fight you Neji", Naruto says. He grabs some of what I'm guessing is Hinata's blood from of the ground and let's sink little by little through his fingers.

"I promise on Hinata's blood that I will defeat you", Naruto exclaims.

"No I will", Rock Lee says.

"Are you sure bushy brow", Naruto says.

"Yes I am sure he is my team mate so let me so it", He says. Naruto looks at him before saying "OK".

"Settle down Rock Lee nobody is gonna fight", Rock Lee's sensei says.

"He's right we can't allow that to happen this fight is over Neji wins and we have to move on to the next match", Kakashi sensei says. They all head up to the sidelines while I head out the door on my way to the hospital to visit Hinata. I hope she's alright.

Author 's Note

This may be a fan fiction for Naruto bit its not about him its about Nichiro that is why it is called Nichiro 's story and also just because it is a Naruto fan fiction doesn't mean Nichiro will fall for Naruto but you never know

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