Say What?

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After that terrible nightmare I couldn't go back to sleep. So Carter insisted on staying with me. We watched movies and made s'mores in the microwave.

At 3 am I made Carter go home. I decided to try to at least get 30 minutes of sleep. I started tossing and turning until I just decide to get up. It was 5:30 A.M. I took a very long shower then got dressed. By now it was 6:55. I skipped breakfast because I was pretty full off of our s'mores.

I grabbed my book bag and car keys then walked out the house.

I stood in front of my door and admired nature. The sun cast a pinkish glow on everything. Mornings were beautiful.

I had just put my book bag in my jeep when I heard someone call my name.

"Hey Summer." He said.

I looked up to see Jason standing on his front porch. I didn't answer.

"You just ignoring me now?" I still didn't answer.

"I was just trying to see if you were ok." He said.

I stopped before I opened the drivers side door. He actually cared? I shook it off and got in my jeep. This is the type of love that happens in movies, but defiantly not in real life.

I let down my window as I passed. "I'm fine"  I replied then speed off before he could answer.

I shook my head. Jason can't be falling for me, and I can't let Chelsea think I'm trying to steal her boyfriend. I'm gonna try to distance myself from him....if that's possible.

I pulled into the school parking lot tired af. I knew I was looking rough but I didn't care.

I walked by Chelsea and her "followers". As soon as she saw me she whispered something to them and they all laughed.

I rolled my eyes. Can't they find someone else to diminish for one day?

Jason walked up behind Chelsea and wrapped his arms around her waste.

"Jason or Blake?" she mouthed frantically to her girls.

"Jason." one of them named Kayla mouthed back.

"Hey baby!" she exclaimed. She turned around and kissed him.

I'm not close enough to hear their conversation but that doesn't matter. I can't believe what I just witnessed. She is cheating on Jason. Maybe it's a good thing he's planning on breaking up with her.

Jason saw me and smirked. I quickly ran up the stairs and into the school building. I stopped at my locker to catch my breath.

Dakota walked up to me with a huge smile on her face.

"HAVE YOU SEEN CARTER AND SARAH?!?" she almost screamed.

"The hell Dakota you scared the shit out of me." I said.

"What's wrong with Carter and Sarah?"

"Just the fact that they are THE CUTEST COUPLE I'VE EVER SEEN IN MY LIFE!!!" She squealed.

"They're dating now!?!" I asked in surprise.

"Yes! Someone must've gotten real close at that party last night" she said excited.

"Speaking of the two love birds." I said.

We looked down the hall. Carter had Sarah pinned back against the wall.

He said something to her and she blushed. He smiled then kissed her. That just made her blush even more. He pulled back and said something else to her. Then she waved bye and walked away. Carter leaned back against the wall with a smile on his face. He closed his eyes and sighed.

Me and Dakota ran up to him.


"What the fuck Summer! " he jumped.

"Sorry,didn't mean to scare you,but the two of you are adorable. I told you she'd come around." I said.

While we were standing there talking Chelsea and Jason walked by.

"Oh look,it's the two love birds and their permanent third wheel." Chelsea said.

"I am NOT a third wheel." Dakota said harshly.

"Carter is dating Sarah. Get you facts straight." I said.

"Well then, I guess your the only loner in this group." she said thinking that would get to me.

She was referring to the fact that Dakota had a boyfriend. His name is Christian. He is out of town this week,Dakota really misses him.

"I'm perfectly fine being single Chelsea." I said.

"Your in denial. Who's happy being alone?" she said.

"Obviously me, and I'm not alone just single." I replied.

Jason shot me a look but I just ignored him and rolled my eyes. Don't tell me I just hurt his feelings.

"Whatever. You would never get a boyfriend anyway. Your so anti-social." she said.

"You act like I've never had one" I said pissed.

I walked away before she could make a comment on anything else.

Will never be able to stand that bitch ever again.


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