Boyfriend On Hold

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I was awakened by the warm sunlight beaming down on my face. The sun is unusually bright this morning.

Then it hit me. I sat up quickly and looked at the clock. 8:10.

"Shit, I'm late." I said. I took a quick shower and quickly got dressed.

I ran down the stairs,grabbed my keys then rushed out the house.

I raced through the halls as I rushed to get to first period.

I burst through the door and all eyes were on me. I blushed and bit my lip.

"Well, Miss Rivers glad you could grace us with your presence. Please take your seat." Mrs.White said.

I quickly took my seat as Mrs.White kept teaching.

"I thought I had scared you away." Jason said when I sat down.

"You don't scare me at all" I said smirking shyly.

"You're adorable. And you looked really hot when you were biting your lip by the way." he said then turned his attention back to Mrs.White.

I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks. I tilted my head forward so that my hair would hide my cheeks. I heard Jason snicker.


Finally english was over. I was walking out of class when Dakota and Sarah came up next to me. Dakota had the brightest smile on her face and Sarah just always looked happy.

"Hey!" They said happily.

"Your in a good mood. Christian get back late last night or early?" I asked.

"He got back really late,but he still came over to see me." she said.

"And Sarah I take it your relationship is going well with Carter." I said.

"Yes! It's Going great! I never knew Carter was so romantic." she said.

"Speaking of romance, is there something going on between you and Jason?" Dakota asked.

"No" I said calmly.

"YOU LIKE HIM DON'T YOU!!" Dakota shouted.

I put my hand over her mouth. "Shut your big mouth he's right down the hall. And what makes you think I like him?" I replied.

She moved my hand away. "You Like Jason,You Like Jason." Dakota started chanting.

I looked down the hall to where Jason, Carter and Christian were standing. Jason looked at me and started smirking.

"Oh My God Dakota,SHUT THE FUCK UP!!" I said smacking her in the arm.

"Ow,what was that for?" she asked rubbing her arm.

"Because I said no! How do you hear I like someone from the word 'no'?" I asked. " and he's right down the hall." I whispered while pointing in his direction.

We all turned and looked down the hall. By now they were all staring at us.

"Well,like him or not, he certainly likes you." Sarah said.

"Thanks for telling the world our business guys." I said sarcastically.

We walked toward the guys and they all smiled.

"Didn't your mothers ever tell you it isn't nice to stare?" I said teasing them.

"You obviously haven't heard the exception to that rule."Carter said.

"The exception?" Sarah asked.

"Yeah. If you're staring at an amazingly beautiful person then it's okay" Christian said grabbing Dakota by the waste and pulling her towards him.

"So we all had a reason to stare." Jason said winking at me. 

"Just as long as you don't use your 'Exception' on anyone else." Sarah said to Carter.

"I would never baby." Carter replied.

"So when did you guys become so "buddy buddy?" I asked the guys.

"Ever since Jason dumped the colossal bitch" Carter responded.

"Well okay then." I said roiling my eyes. "We have to get this thing called an education now." I said pointing to three of us girls.

"And guys, if you stare at our asses while we walk away I'll throw a brick at your face." I said then Dakota,Sarah,and I started walking to class.

"You might want to find some bricks Sunmer." Dakota whispered to me.

"Just wait till I find some bricks." I shouted back at them.

They all looked away sheepishly.

"Why do guys like to look at our butts anyway?" I asked.

"Maybe cause they look good. We should be thankful we don't have saggy butts like some people." Dakota said.

The three of us laughed as we walked to second period.

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