Shut. Up.

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I yawned as I awakened. Another sleepless night.... Whoop de freaking doo. I stood up and stretched. Jason had disappeared, to where I have no idea. 

I looked over at Carter,still unconscious. I miss hearing his voice. 

I took my phone off the charger and checked the time. 5:15. Why the fuck did I wake up so early? 

The door opened slowly. I expected it to be one of the nurses that comes in to check on Carter,but instead it was Jason with food...and Brandon. It's too early to be dealing with their shit so I hope they behave. 

"Morning babe." Jason said. 

"Morning Summer." Brandon said right after him.

"Brandon,what are you doing here so early?" I asked.

"Came to check on you and Carter. I didn't Jason was still here." Brandon replied.

"Well okay then." I said.

"Anyway, I bought you some food babygirl" Jason said.

"Thanks." I said. 

**An Hour Later**

Jason was on his phone and Brandon and I were talking about the days before he left.

"You would always do the cheesiest moves." I said laughing.

"You mean like this" he said. He fake yawned and put his arm around me.

"Let's not touch my girlfriend." Jason said sternly. 

"You know,jealousy is such an ugly trait to have." Brandon said.

"Pretty sure I should be saying that to you" Jason said.

"Believe me. I'm not jealous of you" Brandon said.

"You should be. I'm dating your girl." Jason shot back.

By now both of them were standing in the middle of the room.

I stood up and got between them. "Guys, come on. It's too early for this." I said

"No Summer, I'm tired of him always trying to get me started" Jason said angry.

"I don't try to do anything" Brandon said

"Yes you do. You want what you can't have and it drives you crazy to see her happy with someone else." Jason said. "That's why you came here so early. You wanted Summer to yourself."

"Maybe that's because she shouldn't be dating someone who was an absolute ass to her for years." Brandon replied.


I turned to Brandon. "Is any of this true?" 

He was silent for a minute. "Maybe"

I ran my hands through my hair. 

"Okay. Okay. Brandon you need to leave because this has all gone too far. And Jason,this hurts me so much to do, but I have to break up with you" I said

They both looked at me shocked. 

"S..Summer are you serious?" Jason asked. 

Tears started streaming down my face. 

"Summer,please. I love you." He begged. 

"I love you too but this is just too much for me right now." I said. 

"I'll do better I promise." Jason begged again. 

"No, Jason baby, you were doing just fine. I just can't right now" I said. 

"This is your fault." Jason said turning to Brandon. 

"This is just as much your fault as it is mine." He responded. 

"Guys. Please,just leave.....both of you." I said.

"Summer, let's talk about this" Brandon asked.

"LEAVE!" I said again.

Both of them walked out not saying another word.

I fell by Carter's bed and cried softly.

"Carter, males are assholes" I said. And I swear I saw a small smirk on his face.

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