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I have been in this hospital room waiting for my best friend to wake up for three going on four days, I broke up with my boyfriend of would've been 6 months today yesterday and I lost a really good friend. Can things just not get worse?

I was talking to Sarah on the phone.

"How's the competition going?" I asked

"It's going well. But nothing is going through my mind except Carter." She replied. "I just keep thinking the worst."

"Please don't." I said on the verge of tears again.

"I know. I'm sorry but it's just been a constant thought. Hey, I gotta go." She said.

"Alright. Bye." I said.

"Well, that could've gone better." I thought to myself.

Time was dragging it's feet slower than usual. I've never wanted night to fall so quickly. I felt so alone. I felt scared. What if Sarah was right? What if we have to face the worst? What if I have to lose Carter?

Before I knew it, tears were streaming down my face. I quickly got up and went to the bathroom. I locked the door and sank to the floor. I balled my eyes out. I knew that I couldn't lose Carter, he meant evrything and more to me. I loved him...I love him. Oh....oh.....I'm IN LOVE with him.

When I finally came out of the bathroom the nurse was checking on Carter. She gave me an evil look when I say back down. This nurse hates my guts. Why? This is Chelsea's mom. She stopped liking me when I stopped liking her daughter. Small world isn't it?

She did her check-up and was about to walk out the room.
"Is he any better?" I asked not looking at her.

"He's in the same condition he was in yesterday with slight improvement." She said irritated.

"Don't take out your hatred of me on him...please." I said turning my head to look at her this time.

She looked at me then walked out.

Suddenly she walked back in.

"Can I help you with something?" I asked.

"I.....I am sorry Summer." She said taking me by surprise.

"Sorry?" I asked.

"Yes. My daughter has been constantly telling lies about you here and at home but I just knew that those couldn't be true because I knew what a kind person you were. She was never the nicest to Jason, she treated him so bad but he put up with it cause he loved her. I'm sorry for all the trouble she caused and I'm sorry for believing her" she said on the verge of tears.

"Oh, Mrs. Nots please don't cry. It's okay." I said getting up to give her a hug.

"I've truly missed having you around Summer." She said to me.

At the moment another nurse was walking by. She looked at us and stopped.

"Sierra, is this girl still giving you problems? Oh, honey you have to leave now." The woman said to me.

"No, Molly it's fine" Mrs. Notes said but she wouldn't listen.

She grabbed my arm and tried to drag me out of the room. I fought as hard as I could.

"No! No you can't make me leave him."

"Molly, please stop its fine." Mrs. Note tried again but she still wouldn't listen.



I was listening to Summer's conversation with Sarah on the phone. I knew she was worried sick. If only I could tell them both that I'm trying my hardest to wake up.

Then I heard Summer starting to cry. Then a door closed and it was silent, but I could hear her muffled cries through the thick bathroom door. It broke me heart that she was crying so much over me. I never want to make her cry again.

A few minutes later I heard another door open. Then I felt someone touching my arm. The nurse. Then I'm assuming Summer came out the bathroom because when she sat back beside me I felt her presence, just like I had this whole time.

Then I heard her conversation with the nurse who , I learned, was Mrs. Notes. Then I heard the confrontation with the other nurse. And then I heard the one thing I was not expecting.


I was shocked. My heart rate shot up and I started breathing faster.

"He's on the edge" Mrs. Note said standing over me.

"On the edge of what?!" Summer asked frantically.

Then, I opened my eyes. They opened very, very slowly. I almost didn't think they were open because all I saw was the brightness from before and the same figure that was in the red dress.

"S-Summer." I said.

She looked at down at me and smiled.

"Carter." She said.

I sat up slowly then smiled at her. "Was someone crying over me" I said teasing her.

"Oh shut up" she said tears running down her face.

Then she embraced me in a hug. A very tight hug.


Heeeeeyyyyy!! So guess what.....this was the last chapter. 😭😵😑

I KNOW,I KNOW. It's so depressing when a book comes to the end....unless it's a bad book then your happy when it comes to the end.

I'm sure of you are mad,sad,upset with me,etc. But this is how I write.

But don't worry another book should be coming soon. I might be doing a sequel to Lost. But don't get your hopes up.

Ok guys,ready for the the final send-off?


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2016 ⏰

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