cheese da cake

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I come back up with the cheese cake and whip cream. I plop down on my bed and cut up the cheese cake and hand Carrie a slice. We sit and eat the cheese cake in silence for a good half an hour and then. "not to sound rude but I'm bored, do you have anything fun to do?" carrie gets up off my bed and starts to look around.
"ummm we can listen to music?" I say and get up and turn on the music.
I take of my baggy sweater and sweat pants leaving me in my tight shorty shorts and spaghetti strap tank top that shows a little bit of my slim tummy and i start to dance. Carrie giggles and joins me dancing to some of the greatest hits of 2016.
After awhile we got bored and sat back down on my bed.
"Maya... I'm sorry for being so whiny earlier. It is hard not having any friends in this big school. I was going to ask you over tomorrow but then i saw your giant house and compared ot my shity shack i think it would be best if we hung out here for a while."
"Carrie, It is okay... no need to be worried if you want we can hang out here for a while then maybe later we can hang at your house." I smile and hug Carrie.
"I dont want to sound like a bad person but if your up for it I know where my mom hides her vodka." I smile and wink and carrie. Her b;ack hair was long and hung over her face hiding her hazel eyes.
"Carrie, why don't i give you a hair cut? you look like you need one" I ask her and slide over close to her.
"do you know how?" carrie made a strange face at me after asking.
"yeah, my mom used to do hair when she was a teen and when i was 10 she started teaching me." I answer and grab her hand and take her to the bathroom.
I wash up her hair in the sink, damn it was really soft and smooth.... I love soft hair.
Then I start chopping off hair. And walla! It was done. Long down to above her clevage in the front and short up [ast her ears in the back.
"Okay, you can look now." I tell carrie and hand her a mirror.
"wow... I love it!" Carrie squeals and gives me a hug and says "opps" and smiles.
"I guess we both have hair on us now" I say and we both laugh.

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