Chapter Two

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I walk into camp and look around. Not much has changed...which probably means the people haven't either.

I walk out into the daylight and slightly wince. I've always hated heat ever since I left camp.

Suddenly, I feel someone's hand on my shoulder I spin and grab Riptide from my pocket to face the person. I relax when I see it's just a satyr.

"Hey, who are you? You're new, aren't you! Hey, I need to introduce you to Chiron real quick."

I look at him. He's a young satyr. "I...this isn't my first time here. But I do need to speak with Chiron." I add real quick before his hopes of helping me are crushed. "Could you show me where he is?"

His eyes brighten, and he nods and runs off. I follow him.

I feel everyone's eyes on me but I shrug them off.

I see a chattering satyr with a very amused Chiron ahead of me. Chiron sees me and looks surprised. I tense, thinking he recognizes me, but then I remember my cloak and relax.

"You look older than thirteen! You should have been claimed by now."

I roll my eyes under my cloak. "This isn't my first time here." I say in a monotone voice so he won't recognize me.

"If you've been here, then I believe I would recognize you. I don't believe I know you." I grit my teeth.

"I wasn't noticed a lot." Partly true. Everyone forgot about me.

Chiron looks like he was going to protest when a girl's voice breaks in. "Chiron, who's this?"

I look at the source of the voice and immediately regret it. Annabeth stands there with her arm linked with Jake's.

I look down and dig the heel of my shoe into the dirt. Annabeth notices and repeats her question.

"He's a former camper that has returned?" Chiron looks at me expectantly.

I remember what I had written on the tree and curse myself. " friend used to come here and I just came back to see if this was such a place that he described as." I cover myself up quickly.

That clears some things up in Chiron's mind and he nods knowingly. "I see."

Jake has been staring at me, and he finally speaks up. "What's your name?"

He speaks with so much authority I have to use all my willpower to not turn him into an ice sculpture.

"I don't really have a name. But I am called Glaciem."

He snorts, "Glaciem? What kind of name is that?"

I scowl and walk away but bring out Riptide and click it so fast it looks like I unsheathed a normal sword. I meant that as a threat but he took it as a challenge.

He unsheathed his weapon. A pen. He clicked and it turns into something that resembles Riptide. "Never seen a sword like this, eh? It's the only one of it's kind! Sadly, the other one was given to that cowardly brother of mine, Percy Jackson who ran away from camp."

I laugh at that but cover it with a cough(or at least try to). "You really believe that? Percy Jackson never ran away. He left the people he thought cared for him behind. As for his sword...only I know where it is because he was a friend of mine."

Annabeth chokes when she hears this. As if she still loves me - incredulous. Jake only laughs. "Then where is it?"

I glare at him from under my hood, and a thin layer of frost spreads in a ten foot radius around me. The campers back up and shiver. "You have no right to know." I snarl.

"Or maybe you just don't know!" he taunts.

That does it... I lunge at him, and we clash swords. I'm not using all my strength. He thinks he's winning. He grins. I just smirk.

Suddenly he pales. Ice creeps onto his sword and he jumps back and drops the sword, which is now just a chunk of ice. He glares at me with shock and anger.

"What was that?!"

I smirk under my hood and tell him condescendingly, "that's ice." A few campers snicker and Jake looks embarrassed bout covers it up.

"You're no demigod! No demigod has ice powers."

"How do you know?"

He opens his mouth but nothing comes out. He scowls at me and walks to Annabeth and swings his arm over her shoulder.

All I do is turn away and try not to break.

Percy Jackson Fanfiction: Glaciem(First Version)Where stories live. Discover now