Chapter Five

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I walk into camp warily, paranoid that someone will recognize me.

My skin is pale, almost white.

My hair has become a dusty, silvery gray instead of its usual black.

I guess I've changed emotionally as well.

I walk into the middle of camp and send a sheet of sleet across the camp.

It's late spring, so nobody would be expecting that.

The first to come out shivering is Travis. Travis Stoll.

His eyes widen as he spots me, and he runs to the Athena Cabin.

I melt the sleet for the sake of Travis. He didn't betray me as much as the others.

I few seconds later, with a lot of shouting by the Athena Cabin, a scared Travis walks over with a sleepy/angry blonde with gray eyes.

She gasps as she sees me.

Slowly she walks over to me.


She sounds scared, like she's wrong.

"I don't know anyone by the name Percy," I lie smoothly.

"My name is Glaciem. Just Glace for short."

The blonde stares at me suspiciously but Travis walks up and whispers something in her ear and her face falls into disappointment.

"My name is Annabeth Chase and this is Travis Stoll." She says quietly.

"A pleasure to meet you, Miss Chase," I grit my teeth at the word 'pleasure'.

Just then, Chiron and all the campers arrive.

Almost all the campers gasp, draw their weapons, and point them at me.

I almost laugh. They can't beat me just like that.

Chiron clears his throat and motions for them to drop their weapons. He turns to me.

"Are you-"

"No. Miss Chase has already asked me. That's if you were asking if I was Percy." I look at him steadily, my gaze not wavering at all.

"You look so much like him..." Chiron says.

"My name is Glaciem. But just call me Glace. I'm 20 years old." I say steadily.

"20...that's how old he would be," Annabeth mutters to herself.

She looks up, hopeful to see Percy in the boy's eyes but found nothing.

Percy Jackson Fanfiction: Glaciem(First Version)Where stories live. Discover now