Chapter Nineteen

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I shake my head as I stumble and 'wake up'.

"What in Hades was that?" I ask.

"Pagoma, the Primordial." Thysia says helpfully.

"No Styx, Sherlock," I snort.

"Language, Glace!" Mistis scolded.

"Fine! But then Thysia needs to stop acting as stupid as Zeus is dramatic!" Thunder rumbles overhead, but I ignore it. Thysia looks offended.

"I have to agree with him on that. Sorry Thysia," Mistis says as Thysia pouts.

"That's not fair! You always take his side..."

"Maybe if you'd stop pulling pranks on everyone-"

"But I'm a son of Hermes!"

"I don't think Mistis cares, Thysia," I inform, and he just rolls his eyes and mutters, "Girls..."

Mistis gasps and glares at Thysia. "What was that, Thysia?" she asks in a sickly sweet voice.

Thysia stiffens and takes slow steps backwards. "Uh-um-NOTHING!" he says frantically while desperately holding his own sword in front of himself.

Mistis charges with her sword out and the two of them fight. I just walk off into the woods to think.

I sit there and think about Pagoma. I'm gonna be stuck with him forever. Never escaping. He'll hear all my thoughts.

Yes I will... he says in a fake offended tone.

'I know you're not offended...'


'Immature Immortals...' I mumble mentally before blocking him out partially.

Suddenly, 12 flashes of light appear, and I shoot up to my feet and grab my mini icicle sword, Pagonia.

I call for all the Warriors here as the Gods raise their weapons.

I set a dome of ice around the Warriors before any of us can be blasted.

Zeus's lightning bolts are cracking my ice, so I take the water from the lake to mend the cracks. Eventually, Zeus gives up but his eyes are still furious.

"How dare you come back after we exiled you, Perseus Jackson! We banished you and sentenced you to death. And now, we must set the plan into action!"

I simply wave my hand and freeze him. The Olympians gawk at me.

"Please don't do that. Otherwise your pitiful camp will be destroyed and Olympus will fall to the earth and crumble down like London Bridge. Keep in mind we are here to help you, not cause trouble for us or you," I say curtly before unfreezing Zeus and motioning for the rest to leave.

I send a baleful look at Zeus before disappearing to my Warriors.


We are in Minnesota(AN: I live in Minnesota! :D Anyone else?), and I am enjoying the cold.

So when Vomva creates a fire, I roll my eyes before dropping the temperature around our camp and falling asleep...

Next morning, I wake up to Sotiras and Gennaios cooking and chatting. We are the only 3 up, so I make my way over to them and steal a piece of bacon before the two girls can complain.

Sotiras whacks me as I snicker and eat the bacon as I walk away. Gennaios tuts me before flipping another piece.

I keep on stealing food until Sotiras threatens to have her 'nice little minions' hold me down. God I hate that...

One time, I had been stealing her arrows, and she got her skeletons out, and they kept on poking me for ten days straight. DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT THAT DOES TO MY SANITY?

I create another barrier to stop unauthorized (yes I used a big word) people from entering our campsite. And another one to stop the gods from tracking us here. Then, I take a major risk...I STEAL A MARSHMALLOW FROM SOTIRAS.

I run away and back to the tents where Thysia is just walking out of his tent. I quickly hide behind him as he opens his mouth to ask something.

"Great. What'd you do to Sotiras now?" he groans as he shoos away the skellies. I sigh and step out to face him.

"I stole a marshmallow," I say while holding it up. I wave it around before eating it and watch Thysia look hungry.

I smirk at him and run back to Sotiras and Gennaios. Sotiras looks pissed but keeps on cooking. Vomva is with Gennaios, and he keeps the fire going steadily.

Sotiras glares at me, and I glare back before sitting down. Epidex walks over and takes one look at Sotiras, then asks me, "What'd you do now?"

"Nothing..." I reply innocently.

Suddenly, I hear rustling. I grab Pagonia and whirl around to face the bushes.

I step forward and move the bushes aside to reveal a small, cold, white, dragon.

Percy Jackson Fanfiction: Glaciem(First Version)Where stories live. Discover now