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I'm internally laughing my podex off, but on the outside I am poker faced. "You mean Akida, my dragon?" I ask innocently.

"Yes, you mindless idiot!" Mistis yells at me.

"Er...you see, it's funny really...she's a Pagan Ice Dragon. She gave me some powers you could say..." I say slowly and a bit unsurely.

After explaining everything to them, I decide that it's time I send Akida to destroy the Titans. All except for Kronos, who Luke wants to fade. We say our farewells, and I go back into camp. Annabeth looks at me and searches for Akida.

"She's not here so you can stop looking," I snap.

She narrows her eyes. "What kind if dragon is she?" she asks. I am pissed. She wants to know about my secret!

"I'll know if you lie," she adds.

"Fine. She's a Pagan Ice Dragon," I growl.

Jake and Annabeth gasp. "We were looking for the last Pagan Ice Dragon and you stole it from us!" Annabeth yells, infuriated.

"I stole her from you? She's a gift to me. I found her in the woods of Minnesota," I retort.

Annabeth's face turns red. "Jake, that's where we lost her, isn't it? Oh wait, it was impossible for her to escape!" she exclaims.

"Oh really? Well she's a Pagan Ice Dragon so you can't even catch her unless she was messing with you! She's more powerful than you'll ever be," I state to her.

She looks confused.

"Akida and I share powers and can defeat primordials as a pair. If we are separated, we can still defeat Titans," I inform her and a look of...something crossed her face. Apparently, she doesn't like being informed about things.

She just narrows her eyes and walks away with Jake by her side. I roll my eyes and hug Mistis. "Sorry, love, but I had to keep her a secret. She's powerful and the last one left. Forgive me?" I plead.

She rolls her eyes and hugs me back. "Of course I forgive you, even though you were an absolute idiot!" she exclaims.

I pout, and she ruffles my already-messy hair. Suddenly, I decide to do something that may cost me my life. I pick up Mistis and run off with her into the woods while she shrieks in dismay and yells curses at me that would make me end up in a place worse than Tartarus.

I run around trees and over logs while dodging brambly bushes. Only when we are near the camp border do I let Mistis down. She slaps me really hard, and I feign pain.

"Ow!" I yell in dismay. She must've bought it because she starts fussing over me.

I laugh at her as she realizes I actually have decent acting skills. She curses me more as I wince at how extreme she's going. I hug her again before tickling her in the middle of the hug. She ends up falling onto the forest floor as I attack her with more tickles.

"Wait - Percy - S-STOP! Th-the bush-shes!" she laughs, but it feels kinda like I'm forcing it out of her. I turn to the bushes. They're shaking...

Well, this is interesting...

'Shut up, I need to focus!'

Jeez, ok...

'Thank you'

I reply right as hellhounds burst out of the bushes and attack. Mistis slashes through hellhound after hellhound as I cover her. Suddenly, a hellhound jumps her, and I guess just by reflex, I teleport her through the air into the Big House.

The hellhounds jump me this time, and I try to stay focused...

Watch out for the dude on your right! Wait, and your left! Ten more in front of you!

That stupid Primordial... I add some curses just as a hellhound jumps me when I'm distracted, and I black out after I feel Pagoma leave my body as I'm captured.


update: cringe attacks are over :D man i sucked

Percy Jackson Fanfiction: Glaciem(First Version)Where stories live. Discover now