Chapter Seven

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Percy's POV

Whew! That was close! Well, actually, she caught you so it wasn't "close"

Shut up, subconscious.

I'm so glad Annabeth didn't catch me...that would've been bad.

It's morning now so I can...

I look around and see everyone looking directly at me or in my general direction, at least.

...get stared at?

"Hey, Glace."

I whirl around.

"Hey, Annabeth."

She shifts around uncomfortably.

"So, I was wondering...who's your godly parent?" I stiffen. She got me yesterday...

"I don't know. Why else would I be at the Hermes Cabin?" Thank Zeus for my lightning quick thinking there.

She frowns, "Oh. I just had a feeling that you knew your godly parent."

I smile, "Maybe I could've, but I only recently discovered this place, so maybe not?"

"Maybe," she says doubtfully.

I've got her off me for a little bit but I know she's going to find out soon.

This is getting boring...maybe I should reveal myself?

Nah, later.

I go to the lake to play around with my powers, old and new.

I summon a small ball of water and force it into a shape.

It's a wolf, a 'flaming' wolf made of ice. Or it's going to be made of ice.

I freeze it. There, a perfect ice sculpture.

"That's a nice ice sculpture."

I spin around and whip out Riptide(which I now call Pagonia which means 'frost' in Greek) and point it at the person who raises their hands guiltily.

I lower my weapon. "Nico?"

He narrows his eyes. "How do you know me?" he says suspiciously, "I've never met you before."

" talk. You know, picking up phrases here and there. Descriptions and names."

"Oh." he says but he still doesn't seem to have let it go.

He turns to go, and I relax.

"Percy?" He says as he turns around.

I turn, but realize my mistake.

His eyes widen.

I grab him and teleport us using the water vapor in the air(kinda like shadow travel except with water vapor), and we reappear deep in the woods.

He grabs his Stygian Iron sword and pins me against a tree.

He's glaring at me so intensely that if looks could kill...

"Why? Where? Why did you leave?" he yells.

"Where were you?" he yells again.

"Nico! Let me explai-"

"Explain? There's nothing to explain except why the Hades you left and where you have been. Annabeth's been heartbroken and everyone at camp was crestfallen."

"Fine, bu-"

"No buts. I'm going to get Thalia." Skeletons crawl from the earth and hold me against the tree.

He knows I can defeat them easily, but he also knows that I would feel guilty and not do it at all.

A few minutes later, a Thalia in complete rage-mode and a scared Nico stumble out of a tree's shadow.

Thalia marches up to me.

She glares at me, and raises a fist. The impact of her swing rattles through my entire head.

"Where've you been?" she growls. She looks me up and down.

"Explain the appearance change, too."

"Geez! Holy Zeus," thunder rumbling at this, "Ok, ok...calm down. I'll explain! Here's why I left: Jake came. Annabeth cheated on me with him. Everyone likes him and forgot about me. I leave. Where I've been...this isn't my first time visiting camp. In fact, that picture of Jake cheating on Annabeth was by me, and Annabeth saw it so I guess she broke up with Jake."

"Appearance," Thalia says.

"Oh, about that..."

I summon a mini blizzard around me. Thalia and Nico are in shock.

I make it go away.

"I barely have any power over water anymore. I only control ice."

"Why?" Nico asks.



I'm putting the rest of my books on hold to work on this one more.

And a sorta mini cliffie. I have the explanation for the ice perfect. Genius of me, really.

And logical.

Anyway...a question for the Dedication?

Q: How old am I? (range of 10-15)

update: lol okay I'm editing all my chapters and this is actually on my profile so here's a new question:

Q: What do you guys think my favorite color is?


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