Chapter Four

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~A few months later~

I perch on Thalia's Tree and watch the camp below me. A couple months before, I had gotten my first taste at revenge.

They were right. Revenge is sweet.


Three months ago...

I was standing on the roof of the Poseidon cabin. When the sun fell into darkness, I put my plan into action.

I slid into the cabin. Jake was sleeping soundly, and I got out my spray paint.

Using the paint, I sprayed a picture of a certain girl, and Jake was making out with a different girl in her vision.

Then, I copied Jake's signature from the horn onto my picture.

It was almost dawn when I finished. I teleported away just as Annabeth came in to wake up Jake.


I smirk as I hear the campers questioning and threatening each other.

I decide to have some fun. I jump down from my hiding spot and lean against the tree. The frost creeps up to the campers and they notice the dropping temperature and look at me.

"Who are you?" Clarisse snapped.

"Hm...let's just say...Trouble." A few people laughed.

"If you're messing with me, then you're dead."

"Alright. But I am trouble. You can tell Chiron that." I nearly sneered the last part. Like he cared about me anymore.

I could tell Clarisse was trying not to strangle me but didn't because I knew about Chiron.

"You knew Chiron? Were you a camper?"

"Yes and maybe."

~A couple days later~

I've decided to return to camp for a while. It will be amusing.

I changed my clothes when I left last time. It looks like I'm wearing black jeans with sharp, icicle-like designs and an icy blue shirt. My hair is darker, and I have a story prepared if people ask about me.

Nobody will recognize me. My eyes are ice blue. Not sea green.

And my name, is Glaciem. Glace for short, I guess.

Percy Jackson is gone. He's dead. Or rather, frozen solid in time. Now Glaciem is alive and here.

My name is Glaciem, and Percy Jackson is dead.

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