Chapter Three

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I walk slowly over to the Poseidon cabin. It hasn't changed. I walk in and see that Jake has made himself at home. The Minotaur horn is still here...and what's that?!

I step closer and see a signature...Jake!? Why, the audacity of that little...

I raise my hand and focus, writing another message. Which reminds me...why haven't they found my first one?

I look at what I wrote. I smile. "The first shall strike here."


I quickly teleport through the air behind a cabin and walk out.

A young camper comes to me and hands me a sheet of paper. He runs of before I can question him. I look at the writing.

It looks like I'll have to go to the Big House for a meeting.

Once I get to the meeting, everyone looks warily at me. I simply sit down quietly and wait.

Chiron clears his throat. "Er, news has come from a camper that a message was found on Thalia's Tree. In sold ice."

He glances at me subconsciously, and before he can continue, Jake interrupts, "What did it say? We all know who probably did it..." He adds silently at the end.

I glare at him as Chiron tells us. "'I have returned. Let vengeance begin.'"

Nearly everyone pales and looks away from me. I simply snort. "Well it's not me," I snap, "I simply came here for a short visit! In fact, I was planning on leaving tomorrow which is what I was going to say at this meeting once I found out there was one. Otherwise I would never have come."

Jake looks disappointed to find no excuse to fight me.

"Meeting adjourned."

I walk out and feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn around. "What do you want, Jake?"

"I know you're lying."

"What do you mean? I'm seriously leaving tomorrow."

"You wrote that message, didn't you?"

"I told you Jake. I'm leaving tomorrow. I can't do anything in one day. I need to train now so let go of me!" I shake him off of me and walk away.

I run outside of camp and decide I have to leave. Or make them believe I left and then start my revenge outside of camp.

I stop at Thalia's tree to see my first message had melted now that someone had seen it.

I shoot up a swirling ball of snowflakes as a flare and quickly write another message.


Percy Jackson Fanfiction: Glaciem(First Version)Where stories live. Discover now