Chapter Ten

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When Glaciem reveals his identity to be Percy, I am furious.

Where was he all this time?

How could he just abandon us like that?


I don't thinking and just blast him with lightning.

When I calm down, I shout,


He glares at me and all my rage is replaced by fear.

This isn't the Percy I knew.

"I've been away" is all he says.

"Why?" Hazel whispers.

His eyes harden, and he turns away.

"Annabeth," he says through his teeth.

Suddenly, Zeus clears his throat.

"Perseus Jackson, when Hades didn't find your soul in the Underworld, you were sentenced to death," he then nods to Artemis.

Percy widens his eyes and runs.


I run. Well, I first vapor travel to a forest. I feel the tug in my gut rip through my torso as I struggle to solidify my form in the forest. It takes most of my energy to materialize.

I hear the pounding footsteps of the Hunters behind me.

I turn around and uncap Pagonia.

An arrow flies by, and I cut it in half.

I freeze the water vapor in the air to create my own bow.

I freeze an arrow that materializes in the right position to be shot.

I pull and let go.

The arrow impales one of the wolves.

I take off running again.

I hear shouts of alarm as the Hunters find the wolf I had injured.

I should feel guilty.

Key word being should. I don't.

I run through the woods and away from the Hunters.

I send knives made of ice at them. In fact, I send arrows, spears, and even icicles because I'm in such a hurry.

Once I'm down to the last of my energy, I stop.

The Hunters circle around me.

Then, they shoot arrows at me all at once.

I summon all my remaining energy to create a dome made of ice that deflects the arrows.

I find a place to rest for a while, and I make it too cold for the Hunters to get to me.

Then, I fall asleep.

But I don't feel the powerful aura behind me that picks up my sword.


I updated again! Yay!

*does happy dance*

Wait. I don't have a happy dance...

Question: Who is this person?

update: oh my god the past me is the worst cringe attack i could ever get ugh

Percy Jackson Fanfiction: Glaciem(First Version)Where stories live. Discover now