Chapter Seventeen

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Being cursed by a Primordial is not fatal but Primordials often do this to take control over a host. The Primordial will not have full control but will be able to control the host at times. The Primordial may respect the host depending on who it is. One of the cruelest Primordials, however, is Pagoma. The Primordial of Ice rules with a frozen fist and is powerful but cannot be in control 100% of the time. No cure for this process has been found and a Primordial cannot reverse this process, they anchor themselves to this person until they die.(AN: made that up on the proud of myself!)

~Ancient Primordials, Powers and Curses

No cure for this process has been found.

Percy's POV

I'm meditating on top of the lake. I hover over the lake with a candle that emits the sweet scent of a flower.

I take a deep breath, and the top of the lake is coated with frost. I exhale, and it freezes over completely.

Then, something breaks. My eyes snap open, and I hear a laugh. Then everything goes black as I fall into the lake.

~<one week later>~

I gasp and wake up. I'm floating on the lake. I transport myself to the shore and try to stand up.

I feel like I have no energy in my body, yet I also feel that I can do anything without breaking a sweat.

I run towards camp. When I take a few steps, I feel myself teleporting to my destination.

When I get to the Big House, I gasp and look around confused.

Everybody is staring at me like I appeared out of thin air.


I did...

I grin and wave.


Mistis storms in and punches my shoulder. Hard.

I grab my shoulder and rub it. "Ow! What was that for?"

She glares at me. "One week, Glaciem! You've been gone for ONE WEEK!!!"

"Wait, I've been gone for-oh...uh...yeah. I remember. I had some...stuff to do!" I feel myself saying things. But I didn't want to say those things!

That's because that was me, Perseus. I hope you don't mind that I hid my meeting with you in the lake from your friends... A cold voice whispers in my mind.

'Of course I mind! They're my friends.'

Well, I don't want them to know, Perseus.


I rub my neck sheepishly. "Uh, I have some more stuff to do. I'll just go now."

I get the Hades out of there and dash into my room. I breathe heavily and start to panic. I'm lying to my friends.

It's for the greater good, Perseus.

'Shut up! You're the one who's forcing me to do this.'

Forcing? But you're doing this so willingly. To protect our little secret.

'I'm doing this so I can save my friends the worry, thank you very much! Now shut up and don't you dare force me to do anything without me asking for it.'

Asking me? You would-

'What part of 'shut up' do you not understand?'


With that, he shut out. I sigh and collapse onto my bed and fall asleep only to be buried in my dreams.

In my dreams, I am walking through a blizzard. I recognize this as Mt. Everest (Boreas had sent me here to do some Yeti control...the Yeti clans are his allies).

I see some red and immediately run over. I bend down and examine it. I follow the trail of blood drops before approaching a cave.

I draw Pagonias and run in. I see a person standing over an image of a frozen over Camp Half Blood.

The person looks into the image that seems to be made of snow, and then swipes his hand through the image.

He smiles and speaks.

"It's so easy, isn't it? So much power. Easy to destroy things. Join me, Perseus."

He turns to face me. I gasp before falling out of the dream and waking up.

I wake up in cold sweat.

The person's face is burned into my mind.

It was me. But my eyes were different.

Instead of sea-green, or ice-blue, they were pitch-black with red, blue, green, and silver specks.

I'm losing my sanity! But if I do, that dude in my head will take over and destroy camp.

Percy Jackson Fanfiction: Glaciem(First Version)Where stories live. Discover now