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salma_lfarh tagged me this time!

i will (hopefully remember to) tag people later


1) What do you look like?


2) If you were to live in any year, what would it be?

now is a time to be alive. i would prefer to have been born a couple years earlier, though

3) Celebrity crush?


4) What state and country do you live in?

Minnesota, USA

5) OTPs from 1-10


6) What is your favorite word?


7) Any social media?


8) Do you have any pets?

I freaking wish. My family and I are allergic to cats and lots of things with fur. I'm not allowed to have snakes (which is what I want), but my mom is considering a bird! Ayyy, go me.

9) Pop clique or naw?

Literally don't know what a "pop clique" is so I googled. It wasn't much help...I have a wide variety of interests so as on of my good friends says: "meh"

10) What's your favorite food?

Italian. Pasta. Yesssss.

11) How did you find Wattpad?

7th grade English teacher

12) Any talents?

I don't really like to brag but I play piano well, badminton, writing is decent, good at academics/math, and I guess I'm an okay artist.

13) Have you ever left your country before?

Many times. Italy, China, Canada, yeah.

I probably won't get around to tagging, so if you're bored and want to be tagged, just say I did and here are the questions (i'd like to answer my own questions on this one):

1) picture of self? or description.

2) favorite story on wattpad?


3) favorite story of mine?
Dick Grayson, Dick Grayson and Lord of Monsters

4) movie you're looking forward to?
Captain America: Civil War

5) all-time favorite fictional character?
Dick Grayson

6) 5 favorite OTPs? don't have to rank

7) favorite Youtuber? if none, actor? if none, author?

8) TV shows?
Young Justice

9) favorite song?
Going through a rock phase...Victorious by Panic! and State of My Head by Shinedown and Fire and the Flood by Vance Joy and Novocaine by Fall Out Boy

10) favorite band/artist?
Fall Out Boy, Alessia Cara

11) what's your warning sign?

12) what's your astrological sign? what do you think your true sign is?
Libra, Virgo

13) favorite tumblr post? or text post?
i sweet potato who i sweet potato


[picture] WARNINGS: graphic sex, swearing, French

------------------oh god, not french


------------*whispers* bonjour

---------*high pitched screaming*


---*seductive whisper* omlette du fromage

*ohio catches on fire*

edit: remember kids. nobody escapes the impending regret from their middle school selves. holy shit i hate this so fuckin much why did i say any of this stuff kill me.

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