Yes Master

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"Take off your shirt." He ordered gruffly, I was reluctant but obeyed.

 The last thing I needed was to piss him off, angering vampires was something I was always good at. I lifted the old grey shirt over my head. lifting my right arm was almost unbearable. Pain traveled from my most likely broken ribs to my arm. I cringed at the pain as I sat the shirt down on the bed underneath me, the air in the room as cold, it sent a shiver up my spine.

"Who is responsible for that?" The man hissed pointing to the swollen bruised area under my right arm.

 I wrapped my arms around my half exposed chest, "the guards at the auction house, I wasn't obeying fast enough for their liking." I said softly.

 "put your shirt on now, we are leaving." He hissed as he turned toward the door.

 I quickly threw my shirt back on and ran after him, a wave of relief washed over me. I was sure I was about to be raped by a vampire.

"could be worse right?" I thought, "at least he hasn't killed me, or used me as I living blood bank."

 I watched the man in front of me as we walked through the extravagant halls of the mansion he lived in. He was about 6,3 with short blonde hair, his eyes were a blue silver color. I wasn't surprised to see he was pretty buff, most vampires were, even when they got old not much changed, they still appeared young.

"Get in." The man ordered as he opened the door to his blue lambergine.

I got in and sat still in the passenger seat. I watched the man as he started the car, he always looked angry, but despite that he was very handsome.

 I began to remembered my previous owner, he was a very rich vampire, and he had been around for a very long time.

He had hundreds of human slaves with a lot of jobs in his estate. Some worked in his several wineries, some in the grape fields, and some as maids in his hotels. I was a maid in one of those hotels, I was searching for a way out since day one but when I was caught fleeing he sold me back to the auction house. The thought of that place gave me chills, I didn't want to go back there.

The thought struck me suddenly, "he is taking me back." Panic filled my chest,

"w..where are we going?" I asked, as soon as I asked I regretted it.

'Rule number one never speak to a vampire unless he/she asks you something.' I remembered the general at the camp instructing.

 I closed my eyes expecting him to hit me.

 "to the auction house." He replied plainly, I opened one eye.

"No" I thought "I don't want to go back there."

 I clenched my fist and watched the world pass by me through the window. it seemed like a short ride from the mansion back to that dreaded place. as the car came to a stop in front of the big building fear began to overtake me. My stomach started to turn as memories flooded into my head.

"Get up!" A guard hissed as he kicked me in the ribs repeatedly.

 I could taste blood as I struggled to even lift my head. I couldn't do anything I was to weak. The guard picked me up by the hair and proceeded to drag me to the cell. he opened the door and threw me into my cell, I almost screamed as my knees hit the concrete floor.

They left me for 3 days in that cell with nothing. I was beat on a daily basis, starved, and paraded around naked. I hesitated as the man opened the door and told me to get out, there was nothing I could do, I had no power to make him change his mind about giving me back so I just followed after him in defeat. when we walked through the doors the lady at the desk gave us a shocked look,

"lord Alexander" she said in shock, "have you come to buy another slave?" She asked with a smile.

"I want to speak with the manager now." Alex hissed, I took a step back. He was pissed,

 "great." I thought, "knew him for 2 days and already pissed him off."

 "A...alright I'll tell him your here, his office is just around the corner to your right." The receptionist seemed just as scared as me.

I followed as Alex marched down the hall,

 "shit shit shit." Was the only thing running through my head, I froze as we passed a door, as I looked in I realized it was a room to the auction.

From the back of the tented glass window I could see a guy standing in the center of a empty room, he was completely naked, I remembered when it was me standing in his place. Humiliated and afraid, I wanted to save him. The human was placed in the center of a room where the vampires could look at them from behind their own window, then when they had their look they would place their bid on a computer screen and then the auction would begin. Each human's file would be displayed for everyone to see, their family tree to their grandparents, their age, sex, looks, weight, hight, if they were virgin, any diseases, blood type, and lastly a color. The color meant weather they had been known to be violent and which type of slave they would be best at being.

 "Yellow" I thought as I read the guys tag, it meant nonviolent blood slave.

I felt sorry for him, he had no chance he would probably be drank dry in less that a week.

I felt a cold hand grab mine, I looked away quickly only to see Alex as pissed a ever. He turned and started walking, still holding me by the wrist. I woke up back to my own reality, Alex stopped at a door and used his free hand to open it. He walked in and drug me in behind him,

"ahh lord Alexander welcome" said a short man with thick brown hair and thick glasses, Alex nodded. "What seems to be the problem? Is this slave giving you problems."

 I could feel his heated gaze on me, it made anger bubble through me.

"She has done nothing wrong!" Alex hissed as he grabbed me suddenly.

 I flinched as his cold hand lifted up my shirt, he exposed the giant bruise on my Side.

"Look at this, your guards did this!" He added "you expect me to pay for damaged property?!" Alex hissed.

The manager seemed stunned, "my apologies lord Alexander, I assure you I had no knowledge of this! We will have her healed immediately!"

"No, please no." I whispered as the man walked toward me.

 "I don't think so! I want her damaged no further! But keep in mind manager if I ever see this again I assure you I will have your whole business done away with do you understand!?" Alex added.

 I hopped he hadn't heard my whisper. The manager nodded nervously,

 "lets go." Alex stated as he turned and left the room, I followed after him. My heart was now racing, what had just happened,

"was he defending me? Or his property?"

"What is your name?" Alex asked as we walked,

"I don't have one." I added plainly,

I had been in a human camp ever since I was born, never knew my parents, I raised my self along with several other orphans.

 "Then I'll name you." He said plainly, "raven." He added, it was a beautiful name, to beautiful to fit me.

"You have black hair, what do you think?" He asked,

"I like it." I replied as we passed the receptionist and headed back to the car.

 Alex opened the door and I got in, the ride back was almost completely silent until Alex asked a question I had hoped he would never ask.

"When I bought you, why was your sale color black?"


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