chapter 8

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i saw the kings's palace in the distance, "i need some kind of plan" i sighed never slowing down, "ill go in threw alex's window, if he isn't there then.....shit i suck at plans!!!" i finally made it to the palace.

i crept quietly, "there are no guards on the outside, duhh its daylight they'd you know die!" i sighed again, "doesn't mean they wont be waiting when i get in." i went back of the house and used the giant pillars to scale the wall, it was not as easy as it sounds.

once i reached the window i stopped, "ok so now i just have to get in. i really need to stop talking to myself....." i ripped the metal bars off the window and the outer metal, "wait... what if he is in there? me opening this damn window will burn him alive."

"alex?" i called, "alex are you in there?" "raven?" he replied in shock, "how the hell did you get out there?" he asked i could tell he was next to the window, "its a long story ill tell you as soon as we arnt in danger of getting our heads removed." i said, "now unlock the window and hide somewhere its still light out here." i added

"does this mean you remember?" he asked, "ya i remember." i replied, "everything?" he said suggestively, "now is not the time for this!" i said my face turning red from the memories of the nights we shared.

i heard him laugh and a lock click, "yell when you are hidden!" i ordered, "alright go." came his faint reply, i opened the window and slipped through, the room looked different in the light. i shut the window and pulled the curtains shut, "you can come out now." i said.

i turned to see Hellios, "welcome back love." he said with Alex's voice, "shit!" i mentally slapped myself, Hellios spent no time with reintroductions he shot straight for my throat with his claws, i ducked, "what did you do with alex?" i hissed, "the same thing any king would do with a traitor.." he smiled.

my heart stopped and my legs went weak, "no," i whispered aloud, "aw sad isn't it, but lets face it, you were not meant for love you were created to kill, and that's all you'll ever be good for." he laughed as he walked closer. tears were rolling down my face, "then ill do what i do best." i mumbled to myself, "what's that?"

"ill kill you and every other vampire i see!" i screamed as i jumped toward him, he dodged and brought his elbow down into my back, i hit the floor with a smack, sending pain through my knees. i jumped up quickly barely dodging his claws.

"ill make you pay." he hissed, "you took my Ella from me!" i felt a glint of pain, i had destroyed the woman he loved and in return he destroyed mine, "then we are even are we not?" i mocked. "not until i have you burned just like him!" he yelled as he raised his fists, flames enveloped his hand as his eyes turned as red as the flames he created.

"his ability." i smiled i got what i wanted, he shot a ball of flame at me, i used a power field to reflect it. when the flame hit him it didn't burn instead it was like a snake, it curved around his body and withdrew back into his hand.

"wow."i thought, "now i understand why he is king, that ability is rare. but not rare enough, ive lived far to long to be killed by this king." i smiled "i have collected so many vampires abilities its hard to choose just one to beat you." he ran at me and swung at my face, i caught his fist in my hand.

the flames didnt burn they simply went out, hellios looked at his hand in shock, "my flames?" he asked puzzled. i let go of his hand and stood back, the flames returned on his hand. he swung again and again and again each time i caught the attack, taking his flames bit by bit.

"whats going on!?" he hissed as he staggered, "you have been attacking pointlessly over and over but really each blow you throw i have been eating your power away." i laughed as i stepped forward to make my last move, i grabbed his neck in my hand. "guards kill the prince!!!" he screamed behind me.

i could hear footsteps move at his order, "you have a choose." he smiled sinisterly "you can stay and kill me or go save Alex." pure hate is what i felt for him, "you will not get away." i hissed as i let go of his neck and ran toward the guards. as i ran i noticed smoke, "the house is burning?"

i quickened my speed and sliced through each guard that came close, "alex!!!" i screamed as i ran aimlessly through the smoke, red flames were popping up everywhere. "alex!!?" i pounded on one door and then another, "where are you?!?"

the smoke was almost to thick to see through, "im locked in the study!" came a faint reply, my heart skipped a beat. i ran in the direction of his voice but before i reached it a pillar from the ceiling collapsed, i tried to dodge it.

the pillar stabbed through my right leg, i screamed. "shit." the pain was incredible, i grabbed the pillar tightly and gritted my teeth. "one two threEEE" i screamed the last part as i ripped the wood out of my leg. blood started to pour, "fuck fuck fuck." i hissed every step i took.

once i reached the door i used the flames the king had so kindly given me to knock the door down, "alex?" as if on cue he came running, he scooped me up like a mother when her child was hurt, "lets get the fuck out of hear!" he suggested.

he ran trough the house to the front doors, i was silently praying the sun had already gone down. alex stopped at the door, from under the frame of the door moonlight shinned, "thank god." i sighed as he pushed the doors open and ran out.

alex carried me to the horse stables and grabbed the two horses that were already saddled and ready to ride away, "planning to run away with someone?" i sneered teasingly, "ya until you showed up." he laughed sarcastically.

he lifted me up on the horse and tied the other horse to the saddle, he climbed on behind me. "haven't done this in a while." he admitted, i closed my eyes, i hatted horses. "please tell me your kidding?" i pleaded. he laughed

"sorry." he added as he heeled the horse in the flank, we took off. i watched as we got further and further away from the burning house, everything started to get fuzzy, "alex..." i whispered his name, and started to fall, he wrapped his arm around me. "hold on Raven we will be safe soon." he replied as i passed out.

when i opened my eyes i was laying in a warm bed, i sat up slowly. i expected pain but there wasn't any, i pulled off the covers and looked at my leg, it was healed competely.  i wasn't to surprised i healed fast, faster than vampires, but it seemed strange.

i looked around the room, memories of the room flooded my head, "this is the cabin!" i gasped as i stood, alex had brought me here right after damion died, i stayed here. i smiled at the warm memories of the place, "glad your awake, and judgeing by your expression you remember." came a voice from behind me.

i turned to see alex sitting on the bed, he looked like he had just taken a shower. "ya." i walked over and sat down next to him, he wrapped his arms around me suddenly, "i missed you so much." he said in a shaky voice. i hugged him back, "im sorry alex, i never should have left you."

"damn straight!" he teased and pulled me down on the bed with him, i just lay still in his arms. my head lay on his chest i could hear his steady heartbeat and feel his cold skin. "your so warm." he said sleepyly "i missed holding you." he tilted his head and kissed me on the forhead.

i felt warm tears start to fall, i had been holding them in for a long time and they poured like rain. "your father said he killed you, i i i dont know what id do without you." i sobbed burring my face in his chest, he only chuckled and pulled me closer, "i wont die so easily." he smiled "i want to stay with you forever, and ill do what ever it takes to do it! so dont worry, im not going anywhere!"

i smiled, "good."

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