The Camp

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i ran through the forest, the trees seemed to reach out to grab me as i ran, i pushed past every branch causing them to cut my bare arms. i had to keep going they would find me soon.

i had killed them, all the vampires, 12 of them. When I discovered I was going to be transported to the auction I said my goodbyes and headed to the inspectors tent. As I walked toward the tent guards closed in so I had no where to run to. A little girl pushed her way past them. I recognized her as tears filled her tiny eyes. It was Mary, she was no more than 5 and she was an orphan like myself, he mother had died from an infection months before and ever since she did mary would not leave my side.

"stop brat!" a guard hissed.

"wait sissy don't leabe me!" she cried as she kept running my way.

"no mary get back!" I pleaded as the guards closed in on her.

tears filled my eyes as I heard the bat smack against her small body. again and again they hit her.

"oh my god no please stop!" I tried to push past them.

i felt the bat across my head, and as the world spun and my ears began to ring i found myself next to Mary. her fragle frame was broken, and her body lay still. i pulled her into my arms.

as her blood pooled on the ground beneath me i lost  all the humanity i had left. my hands seemed to move on their own as i found a rusty metal pipe lying on the ground and gripped it into my shaking hands. the last thing i remembered was the metal making contact with the nearest guards head before everything went black.

when i woke up i was standing in a pool of blood, vampires lay on the ground all around me, their thick black blood covering the ground around them,

"monster!!" i heard several villagers from the camp yell, they were terrified. i looked down at the blood, my reflection shining in their blood. there was a smile on my lips and blood covered my face. i dropped the pipe and looked down at my hands. I had gripped it so tightly that the pipe had bent under the weight of my hands.

"what have i done?" i whispered hoarsely "i couldn't have done this!"

with that i ran, i ran out of the village and into the forest, i ran as fast as my feet would carry me. but it wasn't fast enough, the vampires caught me just before daylight. I was chained and drug back to the inspector, it was all a blur of fear and panic but i remember him punching me several times.

 "take her to the auction house now! and make sure she doesn't kill anyone else!!" he screamed, i could hardly hear over the ringing of my ears.

they took me to the auction house and inspected me once again. I was stripped down, my blood was drawn and tested, they looked over every inch of my body for imperfections. by the time they threw me in the cell i had given up, i was humiliated, and had nothing left to live for.

i was sold quickly to a vampire named Marcus, he was a rich vampire with more money than brains, i did my chores as his house maid until the day everything went wrong and i killed someone close to Marcus, it wasn't my fault, but he wouldn't listen. after that he sold me back to the auction house.

"because I've killed vampires." i said as i sunk down in the seat.

i wished the memories were gone, that i didn't remember my past. Alex's chuckle shocked me,

he smiled slightly and looked over to me, "so have i."

i just sat there puzzled for a second, "did he just admit to killing his own kind? that is high treason, that's a one way ticket to roast in the sunlight." i thought "why would he tell me this?" i wondered, "well its not like i could tell anyone, no one would believe a slave's word, plus he is the vampire king's son, he could probably kill whoever he wanted and get away with it."

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