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~ The Next Morning ~

*Taelen's POV*

I woke up the next morning to an empty bed with a note laid there for me to read

Good Morning My Beautiful Queen,

I Know Your Probably wondering where I went off to. Its not somewhere that you have to worry about but just know the boys are with me. At the end of the bed I laid you out a comfortable outfit to wear and ran you a well needed bubble bath after last night.

With much love, Marcus

Placing the note down I began to smile more and more remembering the events that occurred the night. I texted the girls to see if they were up and instantly got a text back, Knowing that they possibly just woke up too I was thinking about going out to breakfast. So I got up and attempted to get out of bed but miserably failed. So then i began to crawl to the bathroom... Which took 5 whole ass minutes. When i finally made it i removed my clothes and carefully got in relaxing and sunk into the water. Couple minutes of being in the water i got tired and got out n dried off then went into the room to throw something on. When I was done i grabbed my purse and key then headed to the car.

* Cracker Barrel*

Once I got there i looked around trying to find the girls but didnt have any luck so i reached for my phone but was stopped by a hand

??: Right here

I turned around and came face to face with the girls

Me: There yall are, come on its kinda getting crowded

As we sat down we started sharing our stories of last night but my mind drifted of to someone but the reason I didnt know. Roc. It kind of upset me I was thinking about him after all the events that took place last night but it was something in me that I couldnt help. I know he cheated but before all of that he really was a good person. I was knocked out of my thoughts from Shawnessy tapping me

Shawnessy: Are you okay??

Me: Yeah Im fine, just thinking. Oh the waiter is here

We all went around and ordered our food. I ordered waffles, eggs, and bacon then got a water since I haven't drunk any in a while

Kyra: So Taelen what were you in deep thought about ?

Me: Well um... Dont jump down my throat when i say it

The girls: Okay

Shawnessy: * whispers* No promises

Me: Well... I was thinking about Roc

The whole table got quiet so I looked up and saw them looking at me with a ' Bitch Whet ' face

Destiny: Excuse me, I dont think I heard you right. Did you say Roc??

Me: ..... Yes

Shawnessy: Uh why??

Me: Honestly idek, it just started

Kyra: Well do you still have feelings for him??

Me: ..... Idk

Waiter: Here's your guys food

Thank God the food came or else I wouldve had a serious headache and lost my appetite. While we were eating we discussed our plans after we graduate and our possible careers. It was a little upsetting that we would part ways after graduating and just be able to talk on the phone. We finally finished our food and said our goodbyes and left. Something told me I needed to do something about this issue and it was only one place to do that..


I finally pulled up at the place and took deep breathes to calm my nerves. I grabbed my purse and got out locking the doors to the car and headed to the door. I took one last breathe and knocked. A minute later I came face to face with Roc

Roc: Taelen???

Me: Can we talk?

Roc: Uh sure come in

I walked inside to see the place a little trashed and mentally shook my head

Roc: Uh sorry about the mess, I havent got around to cleaning up. Anyways what did you need to talk about?

Me: Reasons

Roc: Reasons of what ?

Me: Why would you lie and cheat? Was I not good enough or something? What was your motive?

Roc: * sighs * Honestly I dont really know my motives of cheating and doing the things I did to you, I truly did love you but i guess I got lonely during tour

Me: So that gave you the okay to cheat? How fucked up is that * laughs *

Me: Roc I thought I could truly trust you, Ive never met a boy like you and to see that you crossed me after I gave you my trust and love fucks me up

Roc: Im sorry..


I didnt even notice i was crying

Roc: Taelen I truly am sorry about all the pain Ive caused you and just want to fix it with you

Me: You cant fix a broken heart

I grabbed my purse and hurried to the door only for it to be blocked

Roc: Taelen dont leave..

Me: Move Roc

Roc: No

Me: Roc get the fuck out the way so I can leave

Roc: No Taelen


I started to hit and punch trying to move him out the way only to be pinned against the wall

Roc: What your not going to do is start hitting me, I told you I am TRULY sorry for cheating

I just stood there silently looking at the floor

Roc: Look at me

I didnt move

Roc: Taelen.. Look at me

I finally decided to look up and saw that his eyes were glossy like he was going to cry

Roc: I still do love you... And I can show you..

Me: How are y- (GCO)

I was cut off by him forcing his lips onto mine then I suddenly tried to fight it

Me: Roc what are you doing!?

He just looked at me and forced his lips onto mine once again. I kept trying to fight it but soon gave up...

He then picked me up causing me to wrap my legs around his waist then felt him walk upstairs...

1 hour later~

After finishing the mistake we just did i just laid there in the sheets, naked taking in the even that just took place...

What The Fuck Did I Just Do..

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