-Ch. 6 : Tonight-

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*Taelen's POV*

Give , me all that you got now , make you , want me cause im hot now , im gone , so faded im on one , bang bang , pop of like the long gun , if you a lame , n*gga you aint making no noise , get faded , turn up with the big boys , live fast , die young thats my choice , get money get money like the invoice

My alarm played 2 on waking me up for the best day of my life , Prom Day . I stretched && headed to Kyra's room to wake her up because i know she's geeked up . Once i got in her room && prepared myself , but instead of letting her arm hit the wall i caught it

Me: Yo kyra get up , we have a lot of stuff to do today starting with picking up shawnessy then heading to the pancake house to eat. Muy ocupado

Kyra: Mom comin with us right ?

Me: Yup , we all gotta come back here because she's having her hair stylist && make up artist come here whn we get back here

Kyra : ight

So after i came out here room i went to my parent's room to wake them up . I slowly && quietly opend the door, tipped-toed to their bed, and roughly jumped on their bed

Me: *jumping on the bed* WAKE UP! WAKE UUUUPP!!

Mom && Dad: *slugishly* Ughhh Taelen Stop. . . .

Me: *singing* Mom Its Prom Day && We Have A Scheduuuulllle

Keri(mom) : Oh Rite , ill be ready in a bit

Me: Ok

So i raced to my room && hopped in the shower real quick && got out , i heard i got a text so i checked my phone , It was from Roc 😒

3233196060 : Baby I Am Sooo Sorry For Wht I Did To You Tht Day , Can You Take Me Back Plz Imu && I Love You

I Didnt have time for his bullsh*t because i have somebody better than him who DOESNT evn think about putting their hands on a female . So i went to my closet && picked out a purple adidas sweatsuit with a white stripe && some slides to match . I put my hair in a messy bun && just put some diamond earrings in , grabbed my phone && purse && left out my room . I met up with my mom && kyra && went down stairs then went to get in the limo , of course whn we take the limo we have our body guards. We were right around the corner from Shawnessy's so i texted her

TaeArriane😘😍😱💁 : We Outside

FuckYoSquad ! 👊 : Kk

So we got to her house && saw her sitting outside . We headed to the mall && of course we were 'attacked' with fans , Shawnessy was evn about to fight one -_- . Well we finally got to the dress store && the first thing we did was split up , i was looking for a dress tht would match my eyes && compliment my skin . Found It !! It was a halter dress , the top half was like a glittery hazel brown && the bottom was white && had a slit where my left leg would be , Perfect ! 30 minutes of looking we finally met up at the dressing room with my mom && tried our dresses on . A minute later we came out && was in awe looking at each other's dresses

Keri(mom) : Those are the ones

We bought the dresses && raced to the shoe store . Once again whn we got in the store we split up because we had too hurry && find our shoes because we're leaving at 1:30 so we can go to the pancake house before the hair stylist && make up artist came at 3:15 . I got to the back of the store && saw a diamond heel tht would go perfect with my dress , i had to look for an 8½ of course . I tht kyra && shawnessy got some pumps instead , thn we all went to the counter && bought the shoes

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