Chapter 2

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Next Day

*Taelen's POV*

And throw that back (throw that back ) , dont be scared , b*tch throw that back , this d*ck right here is cleaner than a hypochondriac , po' that yack , po' that yack  my alarm played throwback by B.o.B . Welp looks like today is our good ole shopping day which will most likely take us ALL day. I got up and stretched a little then headed to the bathroom to get in the shower, I lathered up with my favorite scent of vanilla bean and finished washing up. Once I threw on some clothes I woke the girls up because we were going to the pancake house for breakfast. I had destiny wake kyra because i had to go feed spike, when I gave spike his milk I heard a thump along with Kyra yelling "AH SHIT." An hour or so later all of us were ready && headed out the door to the limo

Phil (limo driver): Where are we off to today Ms.Taelen ?

Me: To the pancake house Phil thank you

We finally made it to the pancake house && ordered our food , as we were eating we talked about the concert

Kyra : so whose ready to meet their babes tomorrow??

The girls except me: *yells* Me !!

everybody in the restaurant turned in our direction

Shawnessy : Tf yall lookin at ?!!

*Everyone turns away minding their business*

Destiny: this is whyy i cant go nowhere with this lady, she's crazy

Me && Kyra: Like we didnt know she was crazy

Shawnessy : i just cant wait too see my baby ray-(GCO)

Me , kyra , && destiny: *yells* With The West Side Feet!!

Shawnessy: Man fuck yall

Me: aye lets go its about to be 11:00 && we still have to get our hair and nails done along with shopping still so we need to head out

So after being at the mall for hours we headed back home to take another shower and got changed since we decided to hit up the skating rink around 9. When we were done i heard some very disturbing noises coming from my parent's room , i guess Kyra read my mind cause we both looked at each other and said Ew at the same time . Maybe we should call Jacob and Diggy

Skating Rink

*Roc's POV*

Thank God Walt and Keisha finally let us out the hotel room to actually have some fun and do what we want for a chance. Me and the boys decided to hit up this skating rink that we've been hearing about but the only problem is, we have to go incognito. I hate doing it but its for safety reasons which i can understand. We finally pulled up and hopped out the car, to my surprise you could already hear the music they were playing before you got inside. I smirked knowing already this was about to be a fun night. Once we got inside we luckily found a place to sit and change into our skates

Me: this is my type of scene fr

Prod: Man you can say that again, I've never seen a skating rink this packed and lit

Ray: Aye Idk about yall but im about to hit the rink with Prince

Me: I'm right behind you, give me a second

Taelen's POV

We finally made it to the rink and found a place to sit since its normally packed on Fridays. As I was finishing up on tying my skates I felt a presence in front of me, I looked up and saw Diggy with Jacob by his side

Me: Heyyyyy brother! I said as i jumped on him

Diggy: Wassup little sis, thanks for inviting us to the festivities. Hey girls

The girls: Heyyyy Diggy, Heyy Jacob

Jacob: Wassup ladies, I see yall are too ready to get on the rink

Kyra: 'Well yall know how we are, I just hope you can keep up' she said skating to the floor

Jacob: You know what Kyra, last time doesnt count. Watch Ill pass you in a quick second! he said rushing away to catch up

I chuckled a little

Me: Alright yall ready to get on the floor??

The girls and Diggy: You already know!!

Throughout the night we had so much fun just dancing, chilling, and skating. I think I was too much into my zone that I accidentally bumped into someone causing us both to fall

Me: Omg I am so sorry, let me help you up

??? : No its fine, Im a little rusty anyways

Once I helped him up I got a glimpse of his face and turned the brightest shade of red, this boy had the sexiest features with a caramel complexion and big pink lips.. Wait I think he's saying something

Me: Im sorry what did you say?

He chuckled

???: I was wondering if you were fine

Me: Yeah, sorry Im fine... Im Taelen

???: 'Well Taelen, Im Chresanto.. Nice to meet you' he said holding out his hand for me to shake

I shook his hand and was brought out of my trance by the girls yelling my name causing me to turn red again

Me: Well that's my cue to leave, I hope to see you again Chresanto

Chresanto: wait can i get your number

Me: yeah sure

He gave me his phone and I put my number in and saved it at Tae Arriane

Me: See you around

Chresanto: Bye

I raced over to the girls so I could change and we started heading out as a group

Diggy: Well ladies, tonight was fun but I think its about time for me to be getting home. You know how Rev Run is 

Us: 'We already know' we said laughing a little

Jacob: same with me, Ill see you guys later

Us: See ya

We all went our separate ways and headed home...

Once we got in the house I took a quick shower and hopped in bed, it didnt take that long for me to fall asleep

Dream Mode...


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