-Ch. 8 : Makin Love Faces ; Kyra && Princeton-

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*Kyra's POV*

So me && Princeton were just dancing the night away , everytime he would look me in the eyes i would see love && lust . The lust part started having me thinking like was i ready ? Did he know about me && Taelen's promise ? While all these question flew around in my head i felt his hand grab mine && guide me to the entrance to the limo . Whn we got in he whispered something to the driver && we started moving . I the felt that princeton started kissing my neck && trailed right back up to my lips . I couldnt resist his soft pink lips , so i gave in && kissed back . The kiss started getting heated but before it could the limo came to a halt , infront of a hotel ? Princeton got out && grabbed my hand && led me into the hotel but before he did he kissed my hand . I instantly blushed && turned red . When we got inside the hotel i looked all around because the lobby looked like Tiana's resturant from the princess && the frog , i have a feeling Taelen said the same thing . We walked up to the desk

Desk wrker : Name Sir

Princeton : Perez

Desk wrker : Ahh Mr.Perez *hands him a key* Have a nice stay

Princeton : Thank You

After prince got the key he picked me up bridal style && carried me to the elevator then started kissing me slowly , Of Course I Kissed back then the elevator doors opened . He walked out still kissing me && stopped infront of a two door suite . He put me down && grabbed the key out his pocket && unlocked the door . He told me to close my eyes && did as told . He guided me into the room , the next thing i knew i felt his lips kiss my neck && didnt stop . I couldnt take anymore teasing && moaned quietly

Princeton : *mexican accent* Follow me Mami 𑠊

His mexican accent just makes me melt inside so i did as i was told . I looked all around the room , rose pedals covered the floor , chocolate covered strawberries , && a candle lit room . Thn princeton came behind me && whispered in my ear

Princeton : go sit on the bed

Me : Ok

I go sit on the bed && stare at him with lust in my eyes , he thn came to me && got on his knees && began to takes my shoes off && kiss my legs

Me : Wha-(GCO)

Princeton : Shhh Mami , Tonight Im Gonna Bring You Nothing But Pleasure , We're Only Gonna Speak With Body Language Ok

Me: *shakes head ok*

His Kisses Went Right Up To My Inner Thigh && I Started Getting This Tingling Feeling Down There , Was I Nervous ? Hell Yeah ! He Came Up && Started Tongue Kissing Me . I Moaned in his mouth && took his tux coat off . He trailed down to the crook of my neck && sucked on it , he found my sweet spot . He lifted me up , unzipped my dress , && took it . I grabbed his face && kissed him with the most passion i had . He picked me up && sat my on the dresser thn took off his shirt . I stared at him with my heart beating a thousand times faster . He got on his knees once again && started kissin && suckin on my inner thighs && soon got close to my wet marble , he looked up at me getting permission && i let him . He thn removed my panties && licked my "lips" making me arch my back && moan quietly . He then stuck his tongue inside && started licking all around

Me : *moans* go deeper baby

After minutes of licking && sucking i finally felt a pressure build up in my stomach

Me : Uh! Jacob I Think Im Bout Too-(GCO)

He cuts me off by sticking his tongue all the way inside me && i felt myself release all on his tongue .

*Princeton's POV*

When I Finally Felt her sweet liquid ooze onto my tongue i instantly went crazy , i pulled my pants && looked at her

Me : You Ready ?

Kyra : *nervous* Yes

Me: *mexican accent* Its Ok Mami , Ill Take Care Of You Tonite

She finally relaxed && i pulled my boxers down && slid the tip in , she grabbed my grabbed my forearms && whimpered . I started going in && out slowly trying to end the pain faster

Kyra : go faster

I went did as i was commanded && also went harder . The harder i went , the louder she moaned . Since it was her first time i wanted it too be the best , i felt like i was forgeting something but brushed that feeling off . All you heard throughout the room was moans , groans , && bumps from the dresser . I felt like i was gonna bust any minute so i groaned

Me : Ugh i feel like im bout to cum

Kyra : *moans in his ear* Do it baby

She opens her legs wider && i felt them shaking so i start pounding her pussy . I suddenly felt a liquid ooze onto my dick && then i finally came. I pick her up && place her in bed && cuddle with her

Me : I Love You Mami

Kyra : I Loveee. . . . *Falls asleep*

Best Night Ever


What Did Princeton Forget ? If You Dont Know You'll Find Out In Chapter 10


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