-It All Falls Down pt. 2-

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Taelen was giving Marcus a tour around the school but while tht was going on roc && bahja were having there little sex session until . . . . . . . . opened the door Let's Find Out Who

*Roc's POV*

While i was thrusting in && out of bahja we heard the doorknob turn && the door came open . We both snapped our heads toward the door && saw Ray

Roc: Man Ray Gtfo

Ray: Well thn yall nasty asses needs too keep it down *walks out && closes the door eating a taco*

Me && bahja  got back too what we were doing until somebody opened the door again

Me: Yo Ray Quit Interr-(GCO)

I finally looked at the door && saw Taelen standing there with tears in here eyes && some new boy

Me: Taelen i can explain

Taelen: *runs away && out the school*

??? : Taelen wait !! *runs after her*

*Taelen's POV*

I Just ran hoping to run away from all the hurt && the pain , Marcus tried so hard to stay up with me but couldn't . When i got home i ran upstairs to my room , changed  grabbed my bag , && headed to my stress relieving place . . . . . . . . the dance studio . When i got there i set my things done && put my iphone on the dock && played like a boy by ciara (play the youtube video on the side) . I was so into the music , the words , && beat i didnt notice that Marcus had walked in. . .

*Marcus POV*

I called kyra && told her everything that just happened && she knew where Taelen went , a dance studio . When i got there i heard the music from outside && just walked in too see Taelen dancing , she seemed so into the music she didnt notice me come in

Taelen: Marcus. . . How did you know i was here && why are you here ?

Me: i called kyra && told her everything that happened && she had a feeling you were here so i came too see if you were okay.Taelen ever since 5th grade ive cared for you because you helped me with a lot of things, I even liked you *mumbles* I still do..

Taelen: what did you say?

Marcus: i said i still like you *looks away*

Taelen: Marcus. . . .

Me: Yes ? *looks at her*

Taelen: I like you too. . . . *looks at me*

Me: *gets closer to her* really ?

Taelen: *nods*

Me: i promise i wont hurt you like that ok guy did ok

Taelen: ok

Me: *leans in*

Taelen: *leans in*

Me: *kisses her passionately*

Taelen: *kisses back*

I Finally Have My Dream Girl

~An Hour Later~

After me && marcus little moment i told him we could work our way into a relationship because of wht just happened , he really understands . As soon as i got in the house i saw prince && kyra on the couch cuddling , they are the cutest couple . I went upstairs && got in the shower since i was all sweaty from dancing , after i got out i put booty shorts && a beater on && went downstairs with the love birds . Before i could even get to the last step somebody rung the doorbell , i didnt feel like asking who is it so i opened the door (big mistake) . It was Roc's cheating ass

Me: wht do you want chresanto ?

Roc: Well i was-(GCO) wait why'd you call me by my government name ?

Me: Cause it's your name now what do you want?

Roc: Well i wanted to talk to you about wht you saw earlier

Me: Chresanto there isnt nuthin too talk about , you lied && cheated on me with some pink weave wearin hoe . . . . . how long has this been going on ?

Roc: wht ?

Me: answer my damn question !

Roc: *mumbles* since tour

Me: *yells* I CANT HEAR YOU !!

Roc: *yells* since tour ok ?!

Me: *slaps him*

Roc: *gets mad && chokes me*

*Prince POV*

Me && kyra were listenin to Taelen && roc's convo and roc confessing to Taelen cussing at him then suddenly we heard someone get smacked so we got up && looked without him knowing . Out of nowhere i see Roc turn  && just start choking Taelen , tht was my cue to get roc out of here .

Me: *grabs roc* Yo Roc ! Roc ! Stop ! She's a fuckin girl man !

Roc: Omg *lets go* Taelen I am soooo sorry

Taelen: fuck you chresanto its fuckin over ! i fuckin hate you *crying*

Roc: *tears up* But Tael-(GCO)

Taelen: *yells* Leave !

Roc: *walks to the door && leaves*

Kyra was sitting there trying to calm && confront Taelen. . . . . Things Wont Be Right Anymore

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