-Ch. 7 : Making Love Faces; Taelen && Marcus-

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*Taelen's POV*

So after 30 minutes of driving around in the limo we finally stopped , at a hotel ?

Marcus got out && jogged to my door , opened it , && picked me up bridal style && carried me into the lobby of the hotel . Inside i looked all around the lobby && it looked like Tiana's resturant from the princess && the frog , i looked in awe until we made it to the lobby desk && Marcus put me down

Desk Wrker : Name Sir

Marcus : Smith

Desk Wrker : Ok here's your name, have a nice stay

Once again Marcus picked me up && walked to an elevator && pressed the button . A minute later the doors open && marcus walks inside . While we were inside Marcus starts to stare at me

Me : *looks in his eyes* What ?

Marcus : *looks at me && starts kissing me*

I had no other choice but to kiss back , his lips were so soft . The doors finally opened && he walked out with us still kissing . He walked down the hall && stopped infront of these two doors && put me down again . He grabbed the key he got from the desk worker && unlocked the doors , when he opened them he grabbed my hands && led me into the room . The bed && floor was covered in roses , there was chocolate on the bed , && the only light in the room wascandles . Marcus told me he had a call && tht he woukd be right back , whn he left i went in the bathroom && saw my adidas bag on the floor . It was a sticky note on it from Shawnessy

Dear Taelen ,

Tonight is supposed to be the best night of your life well the first best night , inside your adidas bag i packed an outfit for this night . After you put this on get your phone && the dock i packed && put it in the room then choose the playlist I made . Dont ask why just do it gotta go

Love Shawnessy ❤

After i read the note i felt clueless && lost so i just unzipped the bag && saw tht she packed me some lingerie from victoria secrets , some black pumps , && some red lipstick. I quickly changed into the things && rushed into the room && put my phone on the dock thn selected body party , i turned it up as loud as it could go && laid in the bed . 10 minutes later Marcus && his eyes darted towards me . I got up && walked towards him && grabbed his hands , i walked him to the bed && pushed him onto the bed && got on top of him

Me : *looks at him* Marcus i know we've been friends since we were 12 && we're 17 now && i want you to be my first. Your the sweetest boy ive known && i believe your my Mr.Right . You helped me thru all the things ive been thru && i love you for tht

Marcus : *looks at me* I Love You Too && i promise i will never ever hurt you , your the sweetest && toughest girl i know . I want to make this night special for you but first i have something to ask you

Me : What is it ?

When i said that he took me off his lap && got up && stood in front of me

Marcus : Taelen i have known you since we were in 5th grade together && instantly fell in love with you whn you were put into my class seeing thousands of hearts floating around you *chuckles* I feel like ive known you Way longer than that && i would like to know more about you so what im tryin to say is *gets on one knee && pulls a box w/ a ring in it out* Will you marry me ??

Me : *in tears* Yes marcus i will !! *Hugs him*

*Marcus POV*

Im so happy she said yes , I really have the best thing i can have in my life . After she said yes i instantly kissed her , minutes later i was only in my boxers laying in bed with her feeding her chocolate . I looked her in the eyes && went in for another kiss but this one started to get heated && i got hard . I can tell she felt it on her leg cause she giggled && i blushed , she grabbed my face && tongue kissed me . My hand traveled from her hip to her thigh to her inner thigh && she stiffed up

Me : its ok , ill be careful

Taelen : *nods her head ok*

I started kissing && sucking on her neck && slid her bra straps down thn kissed her shoulders . I thn removed her bra && saw tht she had goosebumps , also her nipples were hard , i bit my lip && started kissing all over them . I felt her breathing change whn i brushed my fingers over her soaking wet clit . Thn i started sucking on her left nipple && playing with the other && heard a moan slip from her mouth . I stopped && started kissing down from her boobs to her navel && she really tensed up . I removed her panties with my teeth && looked back up at her to get her permission , she shook her head yes && i started kissing her inner thighs && went further in . I finally got to the wet pearl && began licking , sucking , && fingering it . The deeper i went the louder she'd moan , each lick i went deeper && fingered her deeper .

Taelen : *moan* Marcus. . . . .im gonna-(GCO)

Before she could say anything else i stuck my tongue in deeper && felt all her sweet liquid ooze out onto my tongue so i cleaned her right up . After i cleaned her up i opened the nightstand drawer && grabbed a condom

Me : Are you ready ?

Taelen : yes

I kissed her forehead && slid my boxers thn slipped the condom on && entered her slowly && carefully . She grabbed my arms tight && jerked back

Me : the pain will be over soon i promise

Taelen : ok. . . .

I then started moving in && out of her slowly for 5 minutes making sure not to hurt her , she then wrapped her arms my back

Taelen : *moans* go faster baby

I followed her command && throughout the night the room was filled with moans , groans , && the sound of the headboard hitting the wall

~Taelen && Marcus Thoughts : Best Night Ever~

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