- Ch. 10 : Expecting Something : ) -

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So Im Just Gonna Skip To Graduation Day Because These Chapters Having Them In School Were Gonna Be Boring So Enjoy !!


*Taelen's POV*

So Today's Finally The Day We All Graduate , Well That Day When We Left The Hotel After Marcus Proposed I went home && before i could even tell my parents my mom spotted the ring on my finger . They were both proud && happy i found the right one cause my dad was about to hurt roc after Kyra blurted out he hit me . Speaking of Kyra , she's been sick lately like throwing up && eatin a lot so tomorrow me , Shawnessy , && DRUM ROLL PLEASE *drums* DESTINY !! yes she came back but anyways we're taking her to the doctor's tomorrow cause im getting tired of smelling throw up everywhere . So i woke the girls up cause we have a nail && hair appointment at the mall so we had to get ready , i threw on some grey sweats , purple nike shirt , && purple nike high tops but i decided too let my hair down . Spike came in my room so i picked him up , he has gotten pretty big but so what thts my little buddy , i went in Kyra's room && once again she was bent over in her bathroom toilet throwing up what she ate .

Me: That's it , we cant wait til tomorrow to take you to the doctor's we're going now

Kyra: but what abo-(GCO)

Me: Nu Uh Chica We're Going Now , get dressed

So i called Shawnessy && told her we're comin too pick her up && Destiny was over her house . I went back into Kyra's room to see if she was ready but she was eating pickles dippin em in peanut butter . Lord Jesus 

~Doctor's Office~

*Kyra's POV*

So me && the girls are sitting in the waiting room of the doctor's office && imsweatin bullets . So many questions are floating around in my head like What If I Was Really Pregnant ? What Would People Say && Think ? What Would Jacob Think ? Most Importantly , What Would Mom && Dad Think ?? My Thoughts were cut off by Taelen shaking me

Taelen : Yo Paradice come on 

Me: Taelen im so scared , what if i am pregnant ? what would i do ? how would i take care of  it ? most importantly how would i-(GCO)

Taelen : *slaps me* Look Kyra you need to calm down && relax , me && marcus will help you if you are even if mom && dad reacts bad i promise

 Me: Ok

*Doctor walks in*

Doctor: Well hello Ms.Hilson i see your here for an appointment , wht seem too be the problem ?

Me: Well ive throwing up alot && eating more thn i normally do 

Doctor : well we'll need a sample of your pee to see whts wrong with you *gives me a cup*

*15-20 Mins Later* 

The doctor soon comes back in the room with the results. . . . . 

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