-Ch. 5 : Ready For Love-

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*No One's POV*

Ever since tht day Roc has put his hands on Taelen he's completely changed , he's gotten depressed && still has sex session with Baha thinking its Taelen . Kyra && Princeton have started to become more && more affectionate by the minute && its almost the end of the school year . Taelen has been doing perfectly fine , her && marcus been going on dates but wht they dont know is tht their both are already n love with each other . The reason whyy yall havent really been hearing from Destiny is she moved without telling nobody but Prod of course , their still going strong . Its sadly our last month of skool && being in highschool so we gotta live it up && its close to prom && of course the girls are geeking , lets get on with the story

*Kyra's POV*

Well im geeking && getting ready for the best && once in a life time thing ive always dreamed of. . . . . . Prom I remember when me && Taelen were 14 && we were talking about losing our virginity , aye we were just becoming teens && you know how teens hormones are


Me && Taelen were sitting on the stairs while our parents were && out of nowhere Taelen asks me a weird question

Taelen : aye kitkat when do you plan on losing your v-card ?

Me: well first off it too be by the right guy && second i want too lose it on the night of prom where i look my best

Taelen: wow only you kyra but the same goes with me too , aye you wanna make a promise

Me: sure

Taelen: ok we gotta pinky promise each other tht we wnt lose our v-card until our prom night *sticks out pinky*

Me: promise *links pinky with taelen's*


So ever since thn we've kept our promise since then && i thnk im ready too lose it to prince , he is my mr.right . i bet if we have kids they would have a bush of hair, man I cant wait til prom night

*Marcus POV*

So im just laying in bed just thinking about me && taelen's soon-to-be future , she told me her dream career was , A model . Since i didnt really have nothing to do i was thnkin i could take taelen somewhere so i texted her

Marmar😏😏😏 : Heyy Tae

TaeArriane😘😍😱💁: Wassup

Marmar😏😏😏 : I was wondering if you wanted to go somewhere today because I'm bored asf

TaeArriane😘😍😱💁 : Sure , Where ?

Marmar😏😏😏 : To the beach , just to relax plus i need to ask you something while we're there

TaeArriane😘😍😱💁: Ohkay Ill Be Waiting

Marmar😏😏😏 : OK

After i sent tht texted i hopped up && got in the shower , after i got out i threw on some black basketball shorts , a beater , && my jordans && grabbed my hoodie n keys . While im driving i just started to think about when Taelen told me that roc put his hands on her , of course you know i was pissed && furious . Plus the fact he cheated on her with some damn thot just made me sick because Taelen is a really sweet && nice girl but if you cross her she will. . . . . . Nvm . Anyways i pulled up at Taelen's house && saw here outside playing with spike , he has gotten pretty big but then i looked at her . She had on an a sky blue adidas sweatsuit with a white stripe && some slides to match, also a bandana on with her hair in a bun . I got out the car && walked to the other side to open the door for her . Off to the beach we go

*Taelen's POV*

So i was in the car with marcus just wondering what he had to ask me

Me : Aye marcus what did you have to ask me ?

Marcus : *silent*

Me : Marcus ?

Marcus: *parks the car , gets out , && goes to Taelen's door && picks her up bridal style && puts her on his back*

Me : *looking at the sunset*

Marcus: *puts me down* Ok taelen now i want you too listen to this ok ?

Me: ok

Marcus: Ok Taelen Ive known you since we were both 12 years old && ive loved you ever since then but since we've met again i dont want to lose you so what im trying to say is *gets on one knee* Taelen will you be my girlfriend ?

Me: *tears up* yes Marcus *hugs him*

Marcus: *hugs back && pecks her lips*

I Have A Mr.Right && A Mr.Wrong. . . . . . .

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