~Wedding Day~

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~Dream Mode~

Flash Back After Flash Back. . . . . Its Like All Of Them Are Trying Too Tell Me Something. . .About Roc


*Valentine's Day*

So I Was Home Alone Eating Ice Cream Looking A Hot Mess Watching Emotional Movies . Roc Hasnt Called Or Txted Me All Day , I Forgot To Mention I Was Sick . Kyra Went Out With Prince On A Date && Mom n Dad Are On Tour Apparently , Only One Here With Me Is Spike .


I Heard The Door Bell Downstairs So I Got Up && Went downstairs to answer the door but whn i opened it nobody was there. . .  . . . . Ugh . So i sluggishly went upstairs to my room , btw i had my eyes closed pretty  && got in my room . Whn i finally sat down on sumthin big && it groaned , i got scared && fell off the bed onto the floor && started screaming

Roc: Babe its me calm down *helps me up*

Me: *sniffs* Whyy are yhu here ?

Roc: Too keep my baby company n v-day especially while she's sick

Me: Awwwww *sneezes* Thanks

Roc: no prob now come ooooon i wanna watch love && basketball *pulls me on the bed*

Everything starts too fade away a minute later after i hear my alarm playing You're Mine by Mariah Carey . Next Thing You Know My mom && Kyra barge into my room jumping on my bed yelling

Mom && Kyra: *yells* Aw Yeah! Wake Up Yeah!

("Aw Yeah! Wake Up Yeah! " is from jersey shore said by Pauly D)

Me: *groans* Geeeet Offfff

They pull me out of bed && to the bathroom , apparently i was forced too get into the shower so i washed up . I brushed my teeth && went in my room too find a red bralette , high waisted bleached cut jeans , && my red white && black air jordan 6s . I added some lip gloss && walked downstairs to see my dad watchin basketball

Me: heyy daddy

Dad: heyy babygirl , you ready for today ?

Me: yeah i guess

Dad: wht do you mean ?

 Before i could even answer mom && kyra came downstairs ready

Dad: We'll talk later , see you guys later

We walked out the house to the limo , i put my earbuds in && sat by the window laying my head on the window listening to music . 

If i should die before i wake 

its cause you took my breathe away

losing you is like living in a world with no air

Im here alone, didnt wanna leave

my heart wont move , its incomplete

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