-Ch. 3: Girl We Got A Future-

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~Dream Mode~

I saw myself walking down a snow white aisle in what looks like a church seeing Kyra , Destiny , && Shawnessy standing to one side with matching blue dresses with white pumps on . I look to the opposite side and see ray ray , prince , prod , && . . . Diggy ?? But where's. .

Before i could finish that my phone starts ringing && i look at the caller ID & see its Roc so i answer

Phone Convo

Me : Heyy Roccy !!

Roc : Heyy i got a question *nervous*

Me: Awwww Is Roccy Poo Nervous ??

Roc: *mumbles* hell yeah *clears throat* later on today um i was um *cough*

*background with ray*

Ray: *smacks roc upside the head && continues to eat his taco && walks away*

Roc: *talks fast* Will you go on a date with me ??

Me: Yes I Will lol

Roc: *grins* um ok text me your address

Me: ok bye roccy

After that i started just day dreaming about if we had little babies what would they look like && what if we got married && had a wedding . . . Oh Shiznit i need to get ready , first i texted roc my address && hopped in the shower && washed my hair && body with vanilla everything cux i remember roc told me it was his favorite . While i was getting ready Kyra && our mom walked in my

Keri(mom) : heyy baby watchu getting ready for ?

Me: I Have A Date Tonite

Keri(mom) : with who ?

Kyra : *sings* Roc Roooooyal

Me: Ms. Big Mouth

Keri(mom): Awwwww my baby has her first date , what time is he coming ?

Me: 6

Keri(mom) && Kyra: Ooo we got to get you ready !!

*Play Diva by Beyonce*

I sat at my vanity while they got to work on my hair && make-up , they stepped back && looked at it && gave a thumbs up . After they were done they picked out i was gonna wear && my mom gave me here lucky necklace. After i was done i heard the doorbell && my mom ran downstairs too answer it

Kyra: ok nizzles now he's downstairs && here's the plan , when im downstairs im gonna give you a grand entrance && when i call your name come walking down the stairs with a twist in your hips ok

Me: Ok

So i sat && at my vanity just thinking about tonite , i was knocked out of my thoughts by Kyra callin my name so i rushed to the top of the stairs && walked down as kyra told me too . You know i think i should be a model

*Roc's POV*

As soon as Taelen hit that last step everything moved in slow motion while i looked her up && down . I was too busy checkin her out i didnt notice her callin my name

Me: Uh *clear throat* you ready Ma ?

Taelen: yeah

Keri(mom): so are you the one that people used too say looked like my husband ?

Taelen: Yes mama , can we go now ?

Keri(mom) : yeah have fun

Kyra: *yells out the door* have my sister home before midnight && wrap it up !!

Me: O.O

Taelen: *yells* Get yo skinny ass in the house !!

when we got to the car i opened the door for her && ran to my side && hopped in , on to the dock fair . Before we got there i blindfolded Taelen so she wouldnt know where we were && i have a feeling she's gonna be suprised . After i parked the car i got out && raced to Taelen's side too help her out && walk her to the entrance

Me: you ready ?

Taelen: yeah

Me: ok 1...2...3!

I took the scarf off && just stared at her while she looked in awe , it was pretty funny to be honest but i didnt laugh

Taelen: Omg Roc i love it thank you! *hugs him tight*

Me: anything for you baby girl

Taelen: well leggo!! *grabs his arm && runs into the park*

While me && Taelen was riding rides , talkin , laughin , && eatin i was getting nervous by the minute because it was getting closer for me to pop the question , welp she's pulling me to the most romantic ride , the ferris wheel

*Taelen's POV*

So it was time for me && roc to get on the ferris wheel , i happen to look over && see he looked like he seen a ghost

Me: aye roc you okay ?

Roc: um yeah why you ask ?

Me: cause it looked like you seen a ghost or something

Roc: im fine *grabs my hand*

Lawd Jesus Help Me

So we finally got our seat on the ferris wheel but as soon as we got to the top the ride stopped && the instructor told us the ride had broke down && not too move , just great -_-

Roc: aye um Taelen can i ask you something ?

Me: sure anything wassup

Roc: so ive been knowing this girl for a while now && i really like her or even love her && i was wondering what should i do too get her

Damn that just made my heart sank to my stomach

Me: well first off you should be straight honest with the girl, grab her by the hand && just tell her exactly how you feel got it ?

Roc: yeah thanks

Me: no prob *trying not to cry*

Roc: well Taelen *grabs my hand* we've been knowing each other for some time know && in that time i have grown very attached to you from your cute little feet to your beautiful fast , will you do me the honors by becoming my girlfriend ?

This is a miracle , thank you Jesus

Me: yes roc i will *hugs him tight*

Roc: *lets go && lifts my chin up then kisses me passionately*

Me: *kisses back*

1 Year Later~

. . . . . . . . . . . . .

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